ᵏᵃʳᵐᵃ ( ˢᵗᵘʳⁿⁱᵒˡᵒˢ ˢⁱˢᵗᵉʳ )

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this one is a lil silly .....
I've been in a few of the triplets videos, and they're really fun! But the comments are.. I can't even begin to explain how rancid they are.
" Y/NNNNN COME HEREEEE!" I hear Nick yell. " WHY ARE YOU YELLING, IM IN THE ROOM NEXT TO YOU!!!??? " I reply back. I hear the triplets start arguing until Matt says," JUST GET YOUR ASS IN HERE! " " FINE. " I say, walking out of my room and literally 3 steps to the other room.

" What do you dweebs want? I'm working on a song." I hear Chris mutter something under his breath." Chris, I will rock your shit. You know I hate mumbling." All three of them laugh, and I realize they're live on Twitch. " Anyways, chat introducing -" I cut off, Nick. " You do know I've been in your videos before... "Shut up. it's for dramatic effect." I just shurg my shoulders, " continuing before I was RUDELY interrupted. Introducing the amazing,talented, better sibling  Y/NNNN "

I watch nick say and then walk into the frame waving and smiling " yes yes its me guys " i take a glance at the chat and roll my eyes seeing all the comments
Chrisstunizx:I know they're siblings and all, but why is she here?
chrislovebot:Bruh, we want Chris not her
nicksheartglasses:Ong y/n ur the loml real not clickbsit

I giggle at the last time, and then I say, " I hope yall realize you're talking shit for the hell of it. " Matt starts breaking down laughing while Nick and Chris give me a confused face and stare at me for a while until Chris breaks the silence." What are you talking about? " I smile mischievously." oh nothing just giving some of your "fans" in check" putting fans in air quotes. "

Anyways, as I was saying before the award silence, you're not true fans if you hate on me if you say ' I love the sturniolos.' You're talking about me too. It's not just their last name. So basically, you're addicted to betrayal, but you're relevant." I hear Nick about to say something " you are all basically like my old friend speaking of which hiiii Bailey * this is a random name so * " we all laugh at what Nick said then Chris laughs and says " you're terrified to look down, cus if you dare you'll see the glare " Matt starts tlaking right after him " of everyone you burned just to get there , aka us ! " Nick and I bust out laughing at the aka us part, and " by the way, it's coming back around. " I start talking." I keep my side of my street clean. YOU  wouldn't know what I mean. " I shrug my shoulders. I started reading the chat again
User382039: Are they seriously quoting taylor Swift
mattgirl4life:Doesn't Chris not like  taylor Swift, so why is he reciting it for this girl
Sturnix: This girl? You mean their sister, lmao what??
I grab my phone and start playing karma by taylor Swift and grab nicks hand
" CUS KARMA IS MY BOYFRIEND!!! KARMA IS A GOD! KARMA IS THE BREEZE IN MY HAIR ON THE WEEKEND!!!! " Nick and I yell, then give a look to Chris and Matt saying," Please join with my eyes. "

They sigh and roll their eyes "" Fine," I hear Chris say. Nick and I giggle and continue singing, " SWEET LIKE HONEY KARMA IS A CAT! PURRING IN MY LAP CUS IY LOVES MEEEEE , FLEXING LIKE A GOD DAMN ACROBAT ME AND KARMA VIBE LIKE THATTTTT "

I dance around Matt's room with Nick as I see Matt and Chris get up and start spinning each other! We all start laughing and are out of breath and the Nick says " always what we are getting out of this is don't be a bitch shit to our sister or else, you are not considered a fan of us." I flex my arms like I have muscles " THATS FUCKING RIGHT BROOO " the triplets turn my way and bust out laughing then I start laughing along with them while karma continues playing!
karma gonna track you down step by step from town to town.

A/n: This is one of my favorites and I find it rlly funny considering Chris said he hates taylor 😭 also if ur attacking Chris bcs of that you're absolutely fucked up.

Wc: 724 <3

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