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cw: drunk girl! Implied s.a

This is for xyi ( ily xyi )

He dragged me to this dumb frat party, and I hated being there. For most of the party, i sat next to Nick and Jewels ( my closer friends beside Chris and Matt ). I got bored after a while of watching them shit talking with each other, so I just started drinking. One by one, I got a little more tipsy as I went to go get another beer. I find that they are all out.

I sighed out of frustration because I just witnessed Chris talking himself up to go to Aly. Don't get me wrong, I loved Aly. In fact, I've known her since I was a freshman, all though we didn't nesscarily talk that much. We both knew each other existed.

As im searching around for at least one beer to drown out the thought of them together As im continuing to search, i feel a presence behind me. " They're all out, trust me I've searched everywhere," said a deep voice behind me. We have a conversation. While i realized the situation. Me , a drunk girl looking for a beer and him , a frat boy trying to hook up with a drunk girl. " anyways I think there is some tequilla upstairs. If you wanna come with me, go grab it?" He asks.

If I were sober, I probably would've flipped him off and walked away from him. But, my drunken self decided to give him one look up and down and decided that it would be a good distraction, so i said, " yea, sure, let's go." I start walking towards stairs when i feel a hold on your arm. I see that it's just Nick, and he asks " Hey, I think it's about time we head home. What do you think, y/n?" I glance at him then the frat boy." No, it's okay , I'm good here, but if you wanna go home, go ahead! " As we both started walking , when i feel another presence behind me.

I could tell who it was automatically. Chris. I turn around and look to see that Aly is glued to his side. Only jewels noticed. She knew my crush on chris.

" Hey bud, y/n is good down here," Chris says with a protective tone, tristin hardens his hold on me. " What was that, bud? Couldn't hear you." Chris glares at him and laughs with a mocking tone." Uh yeah, you did." He looks at me as I start walking down the steps. I sigh. " chris, really, it's fine. I want to !" As I walk up to him. Tristin or whatever, by now, I have forgotten his name in my drunken state.

" Yeah, Chris, she wants to," he says, getting up in Chris' face rather than grabbing my forearm and dragging me up the stairs. " ow what the fuck " Chris gets more pissed at that and yanked the dude off the stairs and off of me. " how about you get your fucking hands off her dickwad. " they start shoving each other " guys guys fucking stop " i say as i get up with Jewels' help. All of a sudden Jewels' sister enters with a fucking tazer and interrupts them and yells " Yeah excuse me a sec let me just taze you in the balls for a sec" as she does it i stand there in shock.

I felt like this was all my fault. Jewels slightly yells at Sam which snaps me out of thought. All of a sudden i ust yell " guys just get the fuck out of the house " everyone turns to look at me in shock.

Im walking down the sidewalk to our shared apartment as i heard the group approach me. All of a sudden, i see Sam is right next to me. She slightly whispers in my ear, " What we're you thinking y/n , you know your mom said to stay out of trouble! " This set me off.

" Sam, I could care fucking less about what my mom tells me " lies i loved my mom and i knew she'd be terribly disappointed in me. " I'm not your fucking sister, so why the fuck do you care so much. Why don't you worry about the fact that your real sister was at that fucking party?" I yell.

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