1 - Lost (1)

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[ ITALICS mean Japanese; THIS means English; They may change once the characters become more fluent in each other's language. ]

Brandon had only gone out to the nearby grocery store to get some batteries and three pairs of slippers. How in the world did he end up lost in the city of Mustafu, running away from a naked man in a robe with curious ziplock bags of white powder?

"Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit-fucking-shitterson!" Brandon yelled in between deep breaths. Using high knees, Brandon ran as fast as he could to get away from the creepy man.

Right as he was about to turn another corner, a boy with blonde hair and a single black strand checking his phone had appeared. Before Brandon could stop, his momentum caused him to run into the happy boy. The two fell and Brandon used his quirk out of panic to shift, causing them to still fall through the floor but not feel anything and tint the world different shades of purple, blue, and red.

Quickly moving before the blonde realized what happened, Brandon got the two standing and shifted back into reality. Brandon grabbed the boy by his collar and shouted as loudly as he could, "Do you have an effing phone? There's a creep chasing me!"

Pointing to the nude man wearing a single robe holding a bag of white powder in both hands, Brandon mimicked a phone using his hands since he still couldn't communicate properly, "Phone." Luckily, he knew a few words in Japanese.

However, the boy was gawking in disgust at the nude man before yelling something in Japanese, pulling out a phone from his pocket, and holding it up as if to threaten the old naked man. Grumpily, the old man walked away.

"Sorry, kare wa henshitsu-shadesu. I'm Kaminari Denki," The blonde apologized and said his name but Brandon couldn't tell what else he said besides that.

"Sorry, but do you have a phone? I am Jackson Brandon," Brandon used "sorry" since he didn't know how to say "don't worry". Luckily, he roughly patched the other pieces together.

A confused look arrived on Denki's face as he tried to piece the words that Brandon just said. When it seemed something clicked, Denki's face lit up and he held up his phone, "Phone?"

Happy that someone understood him, Brandon excitedly nodded and went to reach for the phone. But right before he touched it, Denki opened the phone up to his internet and showed the phone to Brandon again. This time, the phone showed an online translator.

"Uhh... I guess, sure?" Brandon shrugged, taking the phone and typing in his words: Can I call my parents on this?

Receiving the phone back, Denki saw the reply and nodded to the other before opening up his phone dial. Brandon had tried to call his parents but both must have had their phones on silent since neither picked up.

Sighing, he created another message for Denki: They aren't answering. Do you happen to know where the McDonalds is?

Looking at the phone message, Denki smiled, grabbed Brandon's jacket sleeve, and started walking after saying, "Watashi to kite."

The only word Brandon knew was "kite" which means "come". With that very limited knowledge and the situation, he already assumed that Denki was going to show him where the nearest McDonalds is.

The two walked for what felt like a mile before Denki pointed to a street with enough traffic to make his last town stop in their tracks to figure out how to enter. Unfortunately for Brandon, Denki started pulling him into the busy crowd until they reached the otherside where McDonald's stood tall in another language but still with its golden arches.

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