10 - Police Q&A

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The four made it back to the regular area where Pro Heroes and police officers were working together to take away villains and send the students to the front of the building.

One of the nurses wanted to check out Denki but he wasn't injured. Though Brandon was guiding Denki, the blonde can stand properly and give half-understood responses. Other than being a little short circuited, Denki had no injuries.

"... fifteen... sixteen... seventeen... eighteen... nineteen... twenty... twenty-one?" One of the officers noticed a difference. He counted the student who got injured but there seemed to be one extra, "Is one of you from another class?"

"I'm from a different school," Brandon shrugged, standing tall beside Denki, Hanta, and Mina - who they rejoined at the front of the building.

"What the... Kids these days. You, come with us," The officer waved for the boy to follow.

"Katsuki, be safe," Brandon waved goodbye to his friends, walking over to the officer who told him to sit and talk with another officer with a cat head.

"Nothing will happen, Yankee," Katsuki grumbled, holding up his hand yet not waving it again.

The rest continued on sorting out the events that just happened while Brandon and a cat officer called Sancha asked him some basic questions.

"What is your name, age, and ethnicity?" Sancha held up a clipboard and pen.

"Jackson Brandon, fifteen, and white, I guess," Brandon responded naturally.

"White? Are you American? Does that mean Jackson is your first name or-"

"No, Brandon is my first name and Jackson is my last name. Yes, I am American."

"Alright, which school do you go to?" Sancha scribbled something down on his paper.

"I do online schooling called JWT. Once I feel confident in my fluency both verbally and through written form, I will join one of the schools here," Brandon said.

"Then how did you get on U.A. grounds when the gates were carefully monitored and secured?" Sancha moved on to a more serious question, his cat ears perking up as Sancha waited for the answer.

"I used my quirk, Dimensional Travel. It allows me to enter another dimension where I cannot touch anything and no one can see me. Let's see... Anything I touch, after bringing a part of my body or my whole body back into this dimension, will go into the other dimension with me. I tend to be careful when I bring people into that dimension because if I let go of them with any of their body parts in the place of another piece of matter, they will either be stuck or lose a limb," Brandon said before taking another deep breath.

Sancha was scribbling as fast as he could in order to keep up with Brandon's little blurb.

"One of the villains that class 1-A encountered today got a taste of what can happen if I don't use my quirk properly. Everything below his knees are now gone. I know that quite a few people also saw the effects of what happens when I release a sound in someone's head while being in the other dimension. It tends to cause headaches or extremely painful migraines for the other party," Brandon huffed out, finishing his explanation.

Brandon was not completely sure whether he wanted to give all of his information to the officer, but he gave enough for the officer to understand Brandon's quirk. The scribbling of Sancha's pen didn't slow down until Brandon finished.

"Wow, thanks for being helpful about that. We were wondering who caused that... Thought the villains were fighting each other for a moment... Anyway, when did you arrive at the scene and what did you do? We need detailed information, Mr. Jackson," Sancha tapped his clipboard.

Brandon explained what he did from the time he saw the news airing on TV about the U.A. mishap all the way to the student count in front of the building. He also made sure to go over his relationship with a few of the kids from 1-A.

While Brandon was explaining, sometimes he'd see Sancha's tail flicker at an interesting part or his ears turn towards Brandon when he got a little quiet when he hurt the villain. During the explanation, Sancha was scribbling down as much as he could. If he needed time to catch up, he'd hold his paw up to stop Brandon for a moment then continue.

At some point two others joined the duo to listen to Brandon's explanation. One was a man in a tan peacoat with a matching hat and black hair; the other was a strange white hybrid of various animals with a scar on its right eye. Brandon admired the little suit the hybrid wore.

When Brandon finished his explanation, Sancha was about to speak but the hybrid cut him off by asking, "Why are you chewing on gum?"

Unconsciously, Brandon had switched out his gum again during the conversation in hopes to taste the overly sweet flavor but barely did. When the hybrid asked this, Brandon chuckled awkwardly, "Well...Eto... I am chewing gum so that I can tell how far my senses have gone?"

"What do you mean by that?" The man in a peacoat questioned. He's a detective.

"Is it a drawback of your quirk?" The hybrid asked, giving a small smile.

"Yes. It also keeps me from... panicking because I can observe how my senses get... what's the word... less," Brandon got quieter with each word. Talking about the drawbacks of his quirk reminds him too much of why he was "forbidden" from using it by his parents before.

"Why would you pa-"

Before Sancha could finish asking, the detective rest a hand on Sancha's back to stop him, "Thank you for your cooperation, Mr..." Looking over at the paper in Sancha's hand, the detective found his necessary information, "Jackson. We will be in touch if need be. Try not to get into trouble, kid. Excuse me, I will go check out the grounds."

The man stood up and walked away to inspect the areas. The hybrid did not move but Sancha finished speaking to Brandon by telling him that his parents will receive a call about him. Until then, Brandon could go back with the rest of class 1-A.

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