6 - Hang Out (4) / They're Cool

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"They're really getting along," Denki sighed hopelessly and over-dramatically. "Kirishima, my new friend is being stolen by Baku-bro." Sympathetically patting Denki's shoulder, Eijiro nodded in a manly way.

"Don't worry, my best bud is being stolen by your new friend, too," Eijiro wiped away a fake manly tear.

"What happened to Kaminari and Brandon's relationship?" Hanta asked from behind the two boys sharing a moment. The group decided to call Brandon by his first name since he's more comfortable with that. Constantly hearing people refer to him as "Jackson" is just weird to him.

"Did Bakugo whisk him away to the land of superior intelligence?" Mina dramatically cried, "If only our own intelligence combined could be up to par! Oh, the woe!"

"Preach, Mina, preach!" Hanta held his chest, biting his lip to hold in his crocodile tears.

Glancing over at the group of four, Brandon curiously wondered why the group was using "sekkyo" when there was nothing to "preach" over. Naturally, Denki's eyes caught Brandon's and the two smiled at each other.

"Hey, you want to finish this card or not? Hurry up, Yankee," Katsuki snapped his fingers in front of Brandon's face and pointed back at the paper. Quickly, Brandon went back to filling out the paper.

"Kami, your friend is really hot. If you two aren't a thing, do you mind if I hit that?" Mina drooled as she looked over Brandon's figure.

"Mina, I thought we were going to get married if we didn't find anyone before thirty. Now you're leaving me?" Hanta cried, covering his face.

"Can you blame me? Look at him," Mina forced Hanta to look at Brandon. Head to toe, the boy was incredibly good looking. In a contest of good looks between Katsuki Bakugo, Shouto Todoroki, and Brandon Jackson, it's difficult to tell who'd win. "He's hotter than Todoroki's fire."

"...Damn, you're right," Hanta agreed as he still teared up with fake tears, "Then why do you get to be with him, Mina? Why not me?"

"Do we even know his sexuality, guys?" Eijiro tapped his chin curiously, staring at the sandy haired boy.

All three kids turned to Denki, who was trying to scramble with an answer, "Um- eto... I don't think I know. We didn't talk about that. It wasn't exactly the first that came to mind when we were texting... I know his quirk though! It's really cool!"

"Really what is it? Is it something electrical like yours? Maybe it's something with acid like mine? Oh! What about one of the four elements?" Mina asked passionately.

"Is it farting fire?" Hanta asked just as eagerly.

Eijiro, Mina, and Denki all looked at Hanta with brief disgust before letting a second pass. Once that second passed, their expressions shifted into stupid giggles. None of them could imagine such a good looking guy to have such a weird quirk.

"No, it's none of those. His quirk is called Dimensional Travel, I think? Or it relates to that," Denki said, looking up at the ceiling trying to recall more. Shaking his head, Denki looked back at his friends, "He can go into another dimension and not touch anything. No one can touch him either but they can hear him. Oh, it's all kinds of colors, too. Really pretty but apparently really dangerous if he lets go of you or anything while he's in that other dimension."

"Woah, did you go in there?" Mina leaned in.

"That sounds pretty manly. Does he plan on becoming a hero because if he knows how to utilize that quirk, he can go pretty far," Eijiro grinned, his sharp teeth showing due to his excitement.

"That's a good question," Denki frowned. If he thought about it, when he first met Brandon, his mother acted strangely when the word "quirk" came up in the conversation. Though he didn't know what was being discussed, the way that both parents' faces paled were clear as day that neither were completely sure about whatever needed to happen with Brandon's quirk.

"I wonder... Did something happen?" Denki mumbled to himself. It was some rambling that the other three didn't catch since Brandon and Katsuki were coming over with their books. Katsuki with the practice book he wanted and Brandon with his two books and a smile.

"Ready?" Brandon smiled softly, his face hurting from all the smiling he's been doing for the day.

"Ready!" The group nearly shouted but the librarian twisted her head towards them so fast that they got freaked out into a tiny whisper. When they left the library, that's when the group shouted at the top of their lungs, "Ready!!!"

The rest of the day was relatively relaxing as playful teasing went back and forth between the group while Katsuki translated for them. Denki would do his best to translate for Brandon but he often felt inferior to Katsuki's impeccable English.

When Brandon noticed this, he asked Katsuki if he could let Denki and himself go back to their normal exchange of translation. This way, the next time they meet, Katsuki won't have to translate as much and both Brandon and Denki know more of another language.

"Less work for me," Katsuki tut his tongue but Brandon knew he felt a little good knowing that he was helping. His cousin, who is similar to Katsuki, is ultimately the same way.

So, Denki and Brandon went back and forth with their phone translations and verbal practice as the group continued their conversation. Everyone found the evening enjoyable. By the time Brandon and Denki had to leave the group, Brandon had everyone's numbers and joined a group chat named: U.A. kureijīkizzu → AKA: U.A. Crazy Kids.

"Bye, bye, see you next time, Handsome!" Mina waved goodbye, winking at Brandon as they left.

"Text you later, Brandon!" Hanta grinned, sending fingers guns in their direction.

"Be safe and text us when you're able to, guys!" Eijiro yelled, grinning at the group but not waving goodbye.

"See you, Dunce Face, Yankee," Katsuki held up a hand but did not wave it, nor did he smile or grin like the rest of the group. Instead, Katsuki still wore his famed frown.

"You're friends are cool," Brandon told Denki once they were walking alone. He was all smiles and there was a pep in his step that he hadn't gained since the first few days he met Denki. Meeting new people or having fun always made Brandon feel giddy.

"Maybe we'll get to hang out together soon. In a few weeks, we'll be taking a field trip somewhere. Maybe we can hang out after we complete whatever strange assignment our teacher cooks up this time," Denki chuckled, putting his arms behind his head as he walked.

"Could you type that?" Brandon embarrassingly asked, rubbing his neck nervously.

"Oh, yeah, one moment," Denki nodded, not bothered by typing it. The only problem was that he wasn't sure he remembered everything, so he wrote everything that came to mind.

Denki: In a few weeks, there's a field trip for our class. After we complete the assignment our teacher assigns us at random, maybe we all can hang out and celebrate. Like a ramen shop or an American restaurant? There's a place that sells great prime rib. Maybe we can invite our whole class and just eat out?

Snorting at the amount Denki wrote, Brandon knew that he did not say all of that, but it's also something he would do if he didn't remember everything, "Sounds good, but just your friends for now. If there- too many people, I will have trouble. You know?"

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry," Denki smiled understandingly, "Then just the ones you met today, Brandon."

"Okay," Brandon smiled, happy that today went so well.

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