9 - U.S.J. Attack (3)

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Running towards the voice that shouted Denki's name, Brandon shifted through many things until he found a bunch of people passed out, two girls, and a villain holding a drooling Denki. Seeing his best friend in such a tight position made Brandon's heart race just as fast as he did through space.

"Did you think I wouldn't notice?" The villain glared at the girls as he moved his hand closer to Denki's face, ready to melt it off.

"Shit!!" One of the girls cursed. It was the one with purple hair and drawn purple teardrops on her face.

"Only an idiot would fall for some teenager's shallow exuse for wi- urgh, what did you do," The man held his head and gripped onto Denki's jacket tighter. A snapping sound came from inside the man's head.

"How about you let him go before I do something dangerous?" Brandon's voice came out unbearably sweet and terrifying as hell since no one could see him. He was staring down at the villain with a smile yet nothing remotely related to happiness in his eyes.

"Ahhhh!" The villain yelled, dropping Denki as his head felt like it was about to pound into oblivion. This was because Brandon had spoken in the villain's head rather than just snapping like what he did with the main villain.

Taking advantage of Denki's release, the girls ran towards the villain and Denki. Right as the villain shouted for them not to get any closer, he disappeared before the girls' eyes.

In fact, Brandon had touched the villain and shoved everything knees down into the ground. When Brandon let go of the man, he also appeared in the real world. Instead of wearing his usual light going smile, Brandon wore a frown and criticized every part of the villain despite the villain crying in pain and agony as blood seeped out from his knees.

Both girls were staring at Brandon in shock and fear. The taller one created a sword and held it in front of herself, "Stop right there, villain!"

Turning around to glance at the girls, Brandon ignored them and started walking over to Denki. The girls were about to stop him when Denki smiled and giggled when he saw Brandon, sending the boy a thumbs up.

Seeing his best friend's reaction, Brandon cracked a small, sad smile as he thought that he might've lost Denki, "Hey, buddy, what the hell happened to you?... Dammit, Denki, be more careful. Come on." Grabbing Denki's arm and pulling it over his shoulder, Brandon looked at the girls again. This time, Brandon had a little more light in his eyes, "You must be a part of Denki's class. All Might is here, the battle should be ending soon."

Nodding, the girl with long black hair spoke up, "Your execution for the villain was... dangerous. Um, we could hav-'' Brandon held up a hand to stop her from talking about how he fought, "Right, well, um, I am Yaoyorozu Momo."

"And I'm Jiro Kyokya," The girl with short purple hair waved as her other hand nervously tugged on her earphone jacks.

"Jackson Brandon, but call me Brandon. I'm a friend of Denki's," Brandon gave them a small smile before trying to find a comfortable place to set Denki down. As Brandon did so, he grabbed his gum and switched out the old one for a new one since the taste had left. However, the new one didn't have any taste.

The two nodded and the taller girl with black hair started making rope. They were hesitant to be working with Brandon but they watched as he worked with Denki's idiotic self easily; with the exception of taking a few videos or photos of Denki acting high. The three started tying up all of the villains in the area.

When they had to tie up the one that Brandon dealt with, he was still trying to crawl towards them and hurt one of them. Right as the villain lifted up his hand again, it was shot and another yowl of pain was heard just as loudly.

Their group looked around to see that their class president had returned with the help of Pro-Heroes. The girls cheered and hugged each other, "Yes! Finally!"

Denki didn't know what was happening but he still clapped along like a three year old. Brandon tied up the last villain for the girls before squatting beside Denki and wrapping an arm under his shoulders.

Looking over at the villain that nearly ended Denki's life, Brandon pulled Denki up by holding up Denki's weight. Momo and Kyoyka tried chatting with Brandon since they wanted to get rid of the weird feeling they've had since he caused a villain to pass out from pain.

"What is your quirk? I mean, we saw a bit of it but I do not really understand it," Momo asked, making Kyokya slap her forehead. Weren't they trying to avoid thinking about that scene?

"In short terms, Dimensional Travel. I can go into... another world... um, anything I touch - after deactivating my quirk around my hands or whatever - will go with me but when I let them go, they reappear in the real world. If I go back to the real world with their body or my body in the space of another matter then either their body part disappears or is stuck in that other matter," Brandon tried to explain with the best of his abilities.

"... If we're gonna ask questions, then how'd you do the brain thing? It looked like he had a migraine," Kyokya asked, sighing as she gave into curiosity.

"Oh, that. You see, when a sound is registered outside of someone's head, it's normal. However, when sound is heard within someone's head, it sort of makes their senses and brain panic. Which is how different levels of ... debilitating migraines are caused," Brandon barely remembered the correct pronunciation of the large word.

"Wow, that sounds pretty cool," Kyokya awed before remembering the villain again, "... And dangerous."

"It can be... for both sides," Brandon mumbled the last part to himself, thinking about how the gum he is chewing is tasteless.

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