5 - Hang Out (3) / Library & "Stolen" Friends

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"I don't think he needs to know how to curse someone and how to say 'I'll kill you' in Japanese, Baku-bro," Eijiro smiled uneasily, bumping his shoulder with Katsuki's in a friendly manner.

"It's part of life," Katsuki shrugged, "Anyway, you losers wanna join us?"

"Um, well, hold on," Denki held up one finger before typing away on his translator.

"I'll just ask. Yankee, wanna join us?" Katsuki stared sharply at Brandon.

"What's a yankee?" Brandon furrowed his eyebrows. Not once had he heard that word other than in reference to the New York Yankees. Did it mean something else?

"Yankee, American. They're synonyms," Katsuki stated boredly.

"Hm, well just call me Brandon, Katsuki," Brandon smiled, "Let's go."

"Eh?!" Mina, Hanta (Sero), Denki, and Eijiro (Kirishima) all yelled as soon as they heard how Brandon called Katsuki.

"Shut up! I'll hurt you, bastards!" Katsuki glared at his friends. Then he stormed down the street.

Smiling, Brandon pulled Denki along by his arm and excitedly grabbed Mina's arm, who grabbed Hanta's arm, who grabbed Eijiro's arm. Denki laughed but couldn't help but wonder why Brandon seemed so excited. Was it really because Katsuki knew English so well?

The group of six somehow made it to a downtown library where they all had to be silent enough so that the librarian wouldn't snap her abnormally long neck in their direction. Brandon thought her quirk could be a giraffe based on the length of her neck and the strange odd colored spots on her skin that seemed to have bits of dark hair.

Katsuki was scanning the library for certain nonfiction books with Eijiro watching curiously while Mina and Hanta were giggling over a book in the fiction section. Denki was by Brandon's side whilst Brandon was debating which section he should go to.

"Fiction... or... Nonfiction?" Denki asked slowly, staring down at his phone for the pronunciation. Then he looked up to Brandon with starry eyes, "Did I say it right?"

"Yeah," Brandon grinned back, bumping his fist with Denki's. Brandon's eyes lingered on Denki a while longer, naturally drifting towards the black strip of hair Denki has. "How about... nonfiction?"

The two walked into the nonfiction section and Brandon carefully went over the cover photos, titles, and translations. Though Denki didn't care about what they were doing, he had noticed the increase in science nonfiction that they entered.

"I found it!" Brandon whispered to himself. The book in his hands going over various topics and understandings of electricity. The reason he got the book was so he could understand Denki's quirk more and possibly help him on his path to becoming a hero.

After all, before Brandon's promise with his parents...

Anyway, Denki curiously looked at the book and had an inkling about what Brandon was planning. "Are you doing this for me?" Denki grinned mischievously.

Carefully dissecting what Denki just said, Brandon nodded with a small smile, "I want to help."

"Awwwww," Denki cooed, pulling Brandon in to give him a nuggie.

Instantly, Brandon maneuvered to get out of the nuggie and force Denki's arm behind his back. Smirking in victory, Brandon chuckled as Denki strained himself to get out of Brandon's hold, "Do you surrender?" Partially due to not knowing how to say that and partially because he became playful, Brandon switched back to English.

"Hey, stop messing around," Katsuki growled loudly across the library, glaring at Brandon and Denki, "We're in a library, extras."

"Ahem!" The librarian craned her long neck around the bookshelves to send each of us a glare before disappearing behind the bookcases again.

Denki and Brandon made eye contact before they started giggling like little kids, "Pfft-" Releasing Denki from his hold, Brandon chose another book on theories of different dimensions. Though the two books were in Japanese, luckily he had both an electrical translator and parents who could help him.

"Be back," Brandon said, walking off in the direction of the library's counter. He wanted to check out the two books.

Sitting at the counter was the giraffe woman watching Brandon's every step towards her with scrutiny. When he reached the counter, he held out the books and was about to ask something when she said, "Toshokan ID kādo*," and held out her hand.

* = (Library ID card)

Pulling out his phone, Brandon typed what he wanted to say and carefully tried to say it, "Toshokan ID kādo wa tsukuremasu ka*?"

* = (Can I make a library ID card?)

"Yes, one moment," The librarian dug through one of her drawers to pull out some paperwork and put it on a clipboard. She passed it to Brandon and tapped it with a pen, "Fill this out."

Nodding to the woman, Brandon did his best to fill out the paper with what he knew. Most of the written words he knew except for uncommon names like 'zip code'. If Brandon had any difficulty, he'd wave Katsuki over for a moment before filling it out again.

Whenever Katsuki helped Brandon, Denki and Eijiro would chat away and sometimes watch the two. Strangely enough, Katsuki seemed to be more lenient with Brandon.

"They're getting along nicely," Denki hummed, crossing his arms to watch the other two.

"I would have expected Baku-bro to have yelled at Brandon by now. Whether it was playful or not," Eijiro snickered. He felt light-hearted at the scene. Rarely was Katsuki this "nice" to others.

"He better not steal my new foreign friend," Denki joked.

"I won't Dunce Face," Katsuki grumbled, glaring at the two, "Also, I'm not nice. I have cursed him out more than I have cursed you out in the past thirty minutes, idiot."

"Katsuki, what's this?" Brandon nudged Katsuki again.

Grumbling, Katsuki told Brandon not to call him by his first name again but Brandon ignored that, "Oi, little shit, why are you putting that there? I told you to put it in that box. Keep this up and I'll make sure that hand of yours ends up in a box." Katsuki may be quieter than when he curses at the others, but he still threatens Brandon repeatedly.

However, similarly to Eijiro, Brandon laughs it off, "You remind me of my cousin. She's constantly threatening people or being witty but if someone hurts her loved ones, she goes on a hunt for that person- Oh, thanks for catching my mistake, that is the wrong box."

"They're really getting along," Denki sighed hopelessly and overdramatically. "Kirishima, my new friend is being stolen by Baku-bro." Sympathetically patting Denki's shoulder, Eijiro nodded in a manly way.

"Don't worry, my best bud is being stolen by your new friend, too," Eijiro wiped away a fake manly tear.

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