Fucking Summer Camp?

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The screaming sounds of my alarm is the first thing I wake up to, that and my mother busting into my room yelling at me.

"SADIE GET UP!" She yells, slamming the door shut I get up and picking out my fit for the day.

"SADIE YOU BETTER BE DRESSED!" My mother yells from downstairs, I grab my bag and run down the steps to the kitchen

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"SADIE YOU BETTER BE DRESSED!" My mother yells from downstairs, I grab my bag and run down the steps to the kitchen. Grabbing an apple before running towards the door

"We have to talk after you get home from school. Got it?" she says, I roll my eyes looking at her before answering "yeah..okay"

"I'm serious Sadie Normandy. If you're not home by 5, you're grounded got it."

I nod my head and walk out the door, running down the steps and walking down the road towards the school.

I get to my locker and shove everything in it, I walk to my first hour which just has to be math.. I mean come on who wants to start the day with math.

I finish out the day and start to walk home, I'm so not prepared to get there. My mom is such an ass, I mean I love her but she just tries to control everything I do especially my music.

She hates the fact I like metal music, she says "Sadie.. Metal music Is for drop out junkies who never dedicate their lives to anything, I better not find out you listen to the satanic crap." Which I just have to call my mother out on, that is utter bullshit!

I make it to my front door and shove my Walkman back in my bag, I open the door to find my mother at the dinner table staring down at it.

Once she hears the door open her head shoots up and she looks at me, "finally your home, sit we need to talk."

I grab a chair and sit down, tapping my fingers on my chair waiting for her to start talking, this could only go two ways.. either I'm getting my ass chewed out for.. reasons, or she found my metal band cassette stash and I'm getting my ass chewed out.. so either way.. I'm getting my ass chewed out.. yay..

"Sadie.. pack your bags.." my mother starts, yep.. I did it this time.. "why?" I ask her with a confused look on my face, if I'm gonna be packing my shit I would like to know why the fuck I was doing it.

"You're going to summer camp." .. okay I think I heard wrong maybe I need to get my ears checked "I'm sorry.. what did you just say?"

"I said.. you're going to summer camp." She repeats herself, okay so I'm not going fucking deaf..

"why the fuck am I going to summer camp!"

"Watch your language young lady, it's the end of the school year and you need to do something productive.. instead of sitting around the house doing god knows what, you could be making crafts or making friends or whatever it is that camp does." She expresses starting to get upset

"Your sending me off to be more productive, what the hell mom! You wanna talk about being productive.. how about you be a more productive mother to your daughter!" I exclaim

I should probably explain, it's just me and my mom.. dad dipped when I was 10 and I'm 17 now.. mom's been working since then and hasn't given me any of her time since ever.

"Sadie Lynn Normandy.. don't EVER talk to me that way, get your ass up those stairs and pack your crap.. your going like it or not."

I push my chair out and sprint up the stairs, fucking bitch thinks getting rid of me is gonna make me fucking productive.. I'm not gonna be doing shit there.

I pack my bags anyways, even my Walkman and tapes.. maybe they'll let my Walkman in but knowing a fucking summer camp they're not gonna let shit in that's even remotely fun.

A few hours later, I pack everything I need in a suitcase and put it down stairs. I walk into the kitchen finding my mom making dinner.. at least she does that

"When do I leave?" I ask her, she stops cutting up the vegetables and looks up at me.

"In the morning, I'll drive you to the bus meet up." She explains as she continues to cut up the vegetables

"Fine." I walk up the stairs to my room and shut the door, might as well practice guitar while I'm waiting for dinner to be done. Oh shit I forgot to mention that.. I play guitar, I know shocking right.. I don't think I'm good or anything but eh.. I enjoy playing it so who the fuck cares.

"Sadie dinner!" My mother yells from the kitchen, I place my guitar down on the stand.. after I give it a few kisses, what it's my baby.. and walk out of the door going to the dining room table sitting on a chair and grabbing a fork.

As soon as I'm about to start eating my mom starts talking, "eh no Sadie you know the rules! We say prayer before we eat." Of course.. fucking prayers.. I roll my eyes and sit my fork down as my mother grabs my hand and closes her eyes.

I of course don't close my eyes cause I don't believe in that shit. People I care about leave me and never come back so why the fuck should I believe in this almighty god in the fucking sky. Yeah no fucking thank you

After my mom does her horrible prayer to "god" I dig in to my food, it's not the best but I'm fucking starving and it's the last decent meal I'm gonna be having for the next 3 months.

After dinner, I walk back into my room and get a pair of shorts and my misfits shirt, thank fucking god my mother doesn't know things of metal bands otherwise I would be dead.

I grab my clothes and go to the bathroom to shower, after my "relaxing" shower I get dressed and go back to my room practicing my guitar once more.

Before long I check my clock on my bedside table and notice it's now 9 o'clock. I stretch and put my guitar back on it's stand and get up to turn my lights off

I crawl under my bed covers and lay my head down on the pillow. Well summer camp is gonna be fucking exhausting, if I can just keep to myself I could probably get by the 3 months.. little did I fucking know it wouldn't go like that.. fuck me right? Yeah, totally fuck me.

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