Lars Ulrich Is An Asshole!

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Well.. it certainly did NOT take a few minutes.

"I don't know why I even believed you dickhead!" I say lightly punching him on the arm

"Oh shut up you loved it!"

"Okay you may be right but we agreed on a few minutes"

"Okay well I'm sorry that you turn me on.. were you just gonna let me walk around with blue balls all day!" Kirk exclaims

"Oh shut up! You're such an ass"

"Yeah but you love me so" he says smirking

I roll my eyes and push him away, picking up my clothes and putting them on

"Yeah well now the guys are gonna have a field day with this shit.."

"I'll just tell them to stick it up their ass.. no need to be ashamed baby.." he says grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him to walk inside the cafe

Of course after he got his clothes on.. that is

We get back to the table and James is fucking smirking at us

"So uh like I said Sid.." he says wiggling his eyebrows

"Oh fuck off asshole!" Kirk exclaims flipping him off

"Hey brother I'm all for it dude! Woman's rights and everything.." James says holding his fist up

"Okay just cause you say 'woman's rights and everything' and holding your fist up doesn't mean you're for woman's rights.. and how does this have anything to do with woman's rights you fucking idiot"

"Okay that's fucking rude.. why are you so mean to me, all I do is love and cherish you and you treat me like I'm some flea.." James says pouting

"Okay first of all shut the fuck up.. second of all.. don't say that about yourself.. your more like a dog..."

Kirk busts out laughing hitting his free hand on the table

"She got your ass!" He says finally getting his breath

"And you're an ass as well!" James yells out

"Its okay Jamie! We still love you.."

All of a sudden we hear Diana loudly say something

"Look.. Lars.. if you keep acting like an ass you can fuck off."

We all look over at them and Diana gets up and grabs ahold of my arm

"We need to talk." She says pulling me to my feet and walking outside

Once we get there I decided to ask what the fuck happened

"Woah what happened?"

"He's an ass! The entire time he was staring at my tits and I asked him so many times to stop.. THEN he acted like a complete jerk and was just being really rude.." she explains

I look at her shocked.. I mean come on!

"Wait right here for a second.." I say walking away to go back inside

I get back to the table and smack Lars on the head

"Ow you fucking bitch!" Lars yells

"I bring a girl over who FUCKING likes you! And you act like a 5 year old who has never seen or been with a girl before! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK IT WAS OKAY FOR YOU TO DO THAT HUH!" I yell out

"Woah babe what happened!" Kirk expresses trying to pull me away from the Danish boy

"He was being a fucking cunt!"

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