Her Mom Did What!

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I wake up the next morning feeling very dead, I was honestly started to love camp.. but now I'm just dreading going home

I'm basically fucking homeless all cause.. well I really couldn't fucking tell you.. my mother didn't even tell me herself..

"Sid?" Calls out a voice from the door

I open it to see the lovely Kirk standing there

"Oh hey Kirk" I say

He comes in and shuts the door

"Hey.. so is there anything you wanna talk about.. cause just know I'm here for you, and if we're gonna be ya know.. a couple we gotta tell each other stuff.. and I really really wanna be there for you." He blurts out

I looked at him shocked

"Kirk.. I would tell you.. but it's embarrassing and I just don't know.." I reply

"Babe.. c'mon this is me we're talking about.. nothing you could tell me would be embarrassing" he says comforting me

"If I tell you.. will you please not tell anyone.."

"Of course babe, it's safe with me.. I just wanna know what happened last night."

I took a deep breath in and close my eyes, when I opened them he gave me a smile which I knew from just that.. I would be okay..

"So I got a call right.. when I got to the office I answered it, and it was my mother.. basically telling me something's going on at my house and that after camp..-" I start saying before tears come down my face again

"After camp what.. what's happening after camp..?" He asks concerned

"Kirk.. I was kicked out.. I have no where to go after camp.. my mother kicked me out.." I say crying even harder

He looks at me shocked and wraps his arms around me in a sort of bear hug

"Oh Sid.. I'm so fucking sorry" he says sadly

"what am I going to do.. she gave my stuff to the neighbor.. which I'm pretty sure is at your house.."

"And it'll stay there babe.." he replies

I pull away from the hug and look at him confused


"After camp.. come stay with me, we'll see each other more and.. after high school we can move in together and the band will take off and you'll see the boys more!" He says smiling

"But- Kirk I can't just do that to you and your family.. they don't even know me!"

"But I do, and you're the girl that I love.. and I'm not just gonna sit around and watch you be homeless.. so, move in with me? Please..?" He asks desperately

I look away from him for a second and then back to him

"Can I think about it..?" I ask

"Of course.. now, clear those beautiful eyes of yours and get dressed, we gotta get some food in your system.. okay?" He says smiling at me

"Okay.." I say giving him a light kiss

"Hurry before we lose daylight here!" He says laughing

I run over to my suitcase and pick out an outfit and put it on quickly

I run over to my suitcase and pick out an outfit and put it on quickly

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