Who The Fuck Is Stalking Me!

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I look around slowly trying to find at least some explanation to why a fucking branch was snapped right behind me.. but alas.. there was nothing

I walk back to the cafe and go back to the boy's table

"Hey guys.." I say to sounding scared as hell

"Hey..what's up with you?" Cliff asks

"The weirdest thing happened to me and I have no idea how the fuck to explain it.. I just feel like I'm being watched or something.."

They all look at me confused, and honestly I'm confused as well..

"What the fuck do you mean you're being watched?" Lars asks

"Okay so like after James and Kirk left I heard like a branch snap and when I turned around no one was there so.. I don't fucking know it's weird"

"Maybe your reading too much into it Sid.." James says hoping to make me feel better

"Let's just talk about something else..." Kirk says

We spend the rest of lunch talking and laughing, all of them are really fucking funny..  but lunch quickly ends and we're allowed to walk around camp and hang out

Lars gets up and smacks James on the head running outside to get away

"LARS GET BACK HERE YOU FUCKING BITCH!" James yells running after him

Lars let out the most girlish scream I have ever heard. I fall to the ground laughing as hard as I can, it was absolutely hilarious..

"Lars what the hell was that!" Kirk yells at him laughing

"HE'S GONNA KILL ME! GUYS HELP!" Lars yells back

"FUCK YOU!" Cliff yells laughing as well

"SADIE HELP ME PLEASE!" Lars yells at towards me as he runs away from James

"SID DON'T HELP THIS FUCKER!" James yells out in reply

I sit up laughing still, just as James catches Lars and puts him in a headlock

"Say your sorry." James says making his grip on Lars's head tighter

"I'm sorry!" Lars exclaims gasping for air

James let's him go and Lars let's put a sigh..

"Just kidding focker!" Lars yells running away again

"He has a lot of energy this time around.." Cliff explains

"Yeah.. I wonder why..." James says confused

"SADIE COME HERE!" Lars yells out

I run over to where he is wondering what was so important that he needed me for

"Okay look.. I have a feeling Kirk over there.." Lars says pointing at Kirk before continuing "has feelings for you.." he finishes as he puts his hand down

"I'm sorry what.." I say looking at him and then at Kirk

"You should give him a chance.. he's a good guy..." Lars says

I look back at him with shock on my face

"I'm sorry.. I- I've go- gotta g- go.." I say stuttering out

I walk well more like run, away from Lars as he calls after me

I make it back to the girls cabin and lay down on my bunk.. I really need to fucking think about this

POV: Kirk

"Dude what happened between you and Sadie.. why did she walk away from you so fast.." I ask Lars as he comes back over to us

"I told her you like her.." he explains

Pure shock and embarrassment flashes across my face

"DUDE!" James yells at him

"Not cool bro." Cliff says

"What do you mean?" He asks

"YOU DON'T JUST TELL SOMEONE THAT YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" I yell at him fucking pissed off, I mean what the fuck! why would he do that.. I would have when I knew if she liked me and obviously.. from the way she reacted she doesn't..

"Lars.. you're incredibly fucking stupid.. if Kirk liked her.. that was his right to tell her.. you scared her off you fucking dumbass, I mean we finally make a new friend and you fuck it up cause you can't keep your fucking mouth shut!" James yells at him walking away to go find Sadie

"Kirk I didn't mean any harm by it I swear.. I just thought I could bring y'all together.." he explains with a bit of remorse on his face

"Look where that got ya Lars." I tell him rolling my eyes and walking away to join James

I really hope she isn't exactly disgusted and won't hate me or anything cause I really like this girl too much to lose her.

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