Kirk's A Hero!

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I look over to see.. some fucking prick with a knife to Sadie's fucking neck

"Please don't hurt me.. I'll do what ever you want me to, I'll be a better person I promise.." she mumbles out

My poor Sid.. but before the unknown person can let out a word I Interrupt

"Take your fucking hands off her. Now. I'm not gonna say it again"

The person snaps they're head around and shows his face.. but before I can even mutter out his name he drops the knife and runs away

I run over to Sadie and inspect her face and body making sure he didn't actually cut her

"Oh Kirk I'm so glad you found me.. I was so scared" she whispers out hiccuping from crying

"Ahh baby it's okay, I'm here.. did he do anything to you? I need to know.."

"He.. he.." she starts before breaking down in tears

"Kirk?" Calls out a voice

I turn my head to see James

"James.. go find a councilor, tell them I found Sid!" I explain to him

"Okay! I'll be back in a few" he calls out before running away

"Baby.. I know this is hard but.. I really need to know.. did he touch you..?" I ask sympathetically

"I tried to stop him Kirk.. I really did, he kept saying 'I want him to apologize'.. I had no clue what he meant.." she finally says choking back sobs

"Babe.. did he rape you?" I ask trying to get more information

"No.. he just.. put the knife to my throat.. Kirk I was so scared I would never see you again! This is all my fault.." she continues on letting out the sobs she was holding back

I sigh and lean her into me hugging her tightly

"It's not your fault baby, we'll find him okay.. and he'll pay for what he did to you." I say in a pissed tone

"Kirk, I got Mandy the councilor!" James yells out

"You ready to go out there?" I ask her

"Please.. please don't leave me?" She whimpers out

"I'll stay right by your side okay?"

"Okay.." she whispers back

I pick her up bridal style and walk her out of the woods

"Holy fuck is she okay?" Lars asks worried

"Go get Dave.. I want him here now." I tell him with a stone cold look on my face

"Dave.. why do you want Dave?" James asks

"Cause he and I need to have a little chat about what he can and cannot touch." I say coldly

"did.. did Dave do this?" James stutters out

"I want his ass here in 20 seconds. His ass is gonna pay"

I walk over to the nurses room and lay Sid down on the bed, she fell asleep in my arms once I started carrying her

The nurse checked her for anything broken and found that she has a twisted ankle and a broken rib..

Once I get my hand on this fucker he's gonna wish he never put his hands on her

Suddenly the door opens and I look up from her to the door

The boys walk in and shut the door behind them

"How's she doing?" Cliff asks

"Fine.. she's got a twisted ankle and broken rib.." I say looking back over to her sleeping form

"So Dave did this huh..?" Lars asks

"Yeah.. ran away though"

"Did he do anything to her..?" James asks opening and closing his fists till they turn white

"Thankfully no he didn't.. just held a knife to her throat.."

"We'll find him Kirk.. don't worry.." James assured me

"Man you should have heard what she said to him when I found her before telling him off.." I said sort of choking on my words

"What's she say man?" Lars asks

"Asked him not to hurt her.. told him she'd do whatever he wanted and that she'll be a better person.. that she promises.."

It's quiet for a few minutes

"I have a feeling why he did it Kirk.." James says

"What?" I ask confused

"I think he's still upset about the whole kicking out thing.."

"But to seriously harm my girlfriend over it dude.. No I don't think that's it, I think it's something else.. and I'll find out why"

[ I feel so bad for making Dave out to be the guy who took Sadie.. but I swear it's for a good reason! But I'm FINALLY showing what will happen to Sadie in the upcoming chapters.. but is Dave the only person behind this whole thing? Or is it just part of a whole messed up thing..]

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