I Need To Apologize..

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POV: Kirk

"That was.." I start to say but Cliff cuts me off

"She was disappointed in me dudes.. and normally I wouldn't fucking care if it was anybody else.. but to hear Sid say it.. fuck it hurt man.." Cliff says letting out a deep sigh

"I never expected her to react like that.." Lars says

"Cause what we did was fucked up Lars.." James says

I rub my eyes to get rid of the tears in it as James puts a hand on my shoulder

"You okay Kirk?" He asks

"I know she didn't mean it but it still hurt when she blamed it on me.."

"We just need to give her sometime.. it was a lot to take in.." He says

I nod my head and give him a small smile

"We'll visit her later.. but for right now, we need to go talk with Jason, see if he's seen Dave or not" James says letting go of my shoulder as we continue to walk to the cafe

POV: Sadie

I sit up in the cheap ass bed in the nurse's room and stare up at the ceiling, I look back down when I hear the door open fast and slam shut

It was fucking Dave of all people

"Dave what the fuck are you doing here!" I yell at him, scared he's gonna try and kill me again

"Look I shouldn't have done that to you.. I don't know what was going on through my head but I do wanna apologize.." he says in a rush

"Look Dave.. I wanna apologize for how the boys treated you.. but I have nothing to do with it! I really don't"

"I know.. I should of just talked to them, I guess I went after you so they would know.. I'm not fucking sure I didn't think it through" he says mumbling the last part

"Look I forgive you.. but you have to talk to the guys.. holding all this hate isn't helping anyone.."

Just then the door slams open and Kirk runs in going straight to Dave and punching him in the face

"YOU FUCKING BITCH IM GONNA KILL YOU!" He yells at him pulling his fist back again to punch him.. yet again

I stand up and get in the middle of it.. I know right.. bad fucking idea cause next thing I fucking know is I get clocked in the face

My hand shoots up to hold my cheek as blood fills my mouth

"Oh my god Sadie are you okay!" Cliff yells as he runs up and grabs a hold of my shoulders

I nod my head and push his hands off me as I speed walk out of the room towards my cabin

"Babe wait!" Kirk screams at me running to catch up

I stop and stare at the ground, not turning around just to see what he says

"Baby I am so sorry I did not mean to punch you.. please forgive me I would never lay my hands on a girl, I didn't see you at all it just happened so fast!"

I turn around and he grabs a hold of my face and looks at my cheek

"Fuck it's bruising.. please tell me you're alright.." he says worried

"You hit me.. not only that you hit Dave..

"I didn't mean to hit you.. I swear it"

"So you just fly off and hit people Kirk! I mean god damn.. he just went in there to apologize to me! It's not like he was coming back to finish the fucking job!"

"He held a fucking knife to you! He kidnapped you! He HURT you! Do you really think I'm just gonna let him walk away without any consequences! I'm your fucking boyfriend and I'm in fucking love with you and it's my fucking job to protect you! So if that means I have to fight every last motherfucker to do that then god damnit I will!" He yells back at me

"Why can't you just talk it out like normal fucking people! You don't have to always fight people Kirk!"

He looks at me and gives me a blank stare

"Look I love you.. I fucking love you and i thought I almost lost you. So please.. just please understand why I'm so upset.."

"Okay.. but can you please just talk to him.. he's hurt and feels like he's been replaced.."

"Yeah.. it's the least I can do.."

"Thank you.."

I pull him into a hug, he wraps his arms around my waist and shoves his face in my neck and sighs

"Also.. I'm sorry for ya know.. yelling at you earlier.. it was wrong of me to do that... you didn't know or do it so.."

He pulls his face out of my neck and looks at me smiling

"It's okay baby.. I forgive you" he says kissing me

"Well I'm glad to see that y'all are back to being love birds.. butttt we gotta talk to Dave now..." Cliff says walking out of the door

"Come on babe... let's go and make up with him" I say smiling

"I thought you said make out with him for a second.. I was about to go off" Kirk says laughing

"You would like that wouldn't you"

"Hell no!" He exclaims shaking his head

I laugh at him and interlock my fingers with his

"I'm just playing, we're the only ones who's making out in this camp"

"Welll... not true! Lars and Diana are together"

"Not really, they just both like each other"

"They should just date already.. driving me nuts"

"Your one to talk"

"Shut up!"

We both bust out laughing, beginning to talk back into the nurses office, im just glad Kirk forgave me for what I said.. it was fucked even if I didn't mean it

And I'm even more glad that I get to love this curly headed nerd idiot.. don't tell him I said that...

(Let me know if you have an ideas or suggestions that you wanna see in the next chapter)

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