First Day of This Fucking Hell

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I wake up to.. you guessed it, my mother screaming in my ear. I get up and *lightly* push her out of my room to get dressed

"Take a shower before you get dressed!" She yells going down the stairs, I pick out my outfit and go to the bathroom to shower.

Once my shower is finished I get dressed and put now some mascara and very light winged eyeliner

I walk downstairs to the kitchen and grab an apple, I sit down on the couch and turn the tv on waiting for my mom to take me to the fucking meet up, which is stupid if you ask me

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I walk downstairs to the kitchen and grab an apple, I sit down on the couch and turn the tv on waiting for my mom to take me to the fucking meet up, which is stupid if you ask me.

My mother walks in and taps me on the shoulder, I turn my head towards her. "Yes?" I ask her, hopefully we're about to leave. Don't ask why I wanna leave so bad cause not even I know why..

"Are you ready? It's about time we get going."

I nod my head and turn the tv off, standing up and grabbing my backpack slinging it on my back, putting on my headphones and pushing play on my Walkman as Iron Maiden plays through my ears.

I grab my suitcase that's by the front door and walk outside towards the car, I open the boot of my mothers "expensive" ass car and put the suitcase in there, slamming it as it closes.

"Stop slamming stuff, this car is expensive and I will not have you disrespecting my stuff." My mother warns me pointing her bony ass finger at me.

I roll my eyes and open the door to the passenger side, getting in and shutting the door.

I look out the window listening to my music as I slowly fall asleep, 40 minutes later I feel the car park and I wake up.

"We're here, get your stuff and get on the bus."

I grab my suitcase out of the boot and close it, walking up to my moms side of the car I look at her

"What you're not gonna say bye to me?"

She looks away from me and back at the wheel

"Wow.. okay happy fucking summer to you too."

I walk off toward the bus and look back at her, that fucking bitch just left. Without even saying goodbye to me..

"Wow.. that was.. uh some goodbye..."

I turn around to find the face of the voice I just heard, when I see a tall guy, blonde hair and blue eyes looking right at me.

"Uh.. names James.. Um.. James Hetfield" he explains, hm.. he's kinda cute.. stop Sadie.. you made up your mind keeping to yourself this summer.

"The names Sadie Normandy.." fuck why did i tell him my name..

He smiles down at me "nice to meet a pretty girl like you.. uh.. did you wanna sit with me? On.. the bus?"

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