Where Could She Have Gone?

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POV: Kirk

I get to the office and grab the phone, "hello?" I ask into the phone

"Kirky! It's so good to hear your voice, I miss you so much around the house" my mom says letting out a few tears

"Mom.. please don't cry, you know I hate when you cry.."

"How is camp son? Are the boys being good? Oh please tell me no one has gotten hurt or in trouble! I'll come up and help right now if I need to!"

"Mom! No, no one is hurt and no one is in trouble.. and camp is good, the boys are good.. we're fine" I assure her

"Oh thank god! So have you maybe met someone that you like?" My mom asks as I can hear the pure happiness from her voice

"Yeah mom, I have actually.."

"What's they're name?"

"Her name is Sadie.. I call her Sid for short, mom she's so beautiful.. she's all I ever think about, but-.." I say but stop instantly after I hear a very loud scream outside

"But what son? Did something happen with her?" She asks concerned

"Uh yeah no.. Um anyways I have a question mom.."

"Go ahead Kirky! Ask me anything" she replies

"Um is there by any chance that maybe a lady came by the house let's say.. yesterday or a few days before that?" I ask

"Hmm.. now that you mention it, yeah some lady did.. asked if she could drop her daughters stuff of over here, apparently some man came by the house.. was fighting over there for a few hours, he left and she came out with a bunch of the girls stuff and dropped it off over here.. why what's going on?" She asks once again concerned

"Mom.. you know the girl I was telling you about?" I ask

"Yes Sadie.. Sid for short?"

"Yes Sadie.. um that happened to be her mom.. she kicked her out.. that's why she gave you her stuff.. to hold onto till she gets back to camp.."

"Oh gosh.. poor girl, I just hate it when parents do that to their children! Kirk Lee Hammett did you tell her she can stay with us! I hope you did, I raised you better if you didn't!"

"Mom! Mom calm down, yes I did.. that's why I wanted to tell you that.. I was gonna ask if it was okay?"

"Of course it's okay Kirky! She's your girlfriend she's welcome over anytime! Anyways her stuff is in your room, I didn't have anywhere else to put it"

"That's fine mom, it'll be fine right there.. thank you so much mom, it means a lot"

"Well son, I'm gonna let you go.. as much as I hate it, tell Sadie I said hello and that I can't wait to meet her!"

"I will mom, I love you.. see you in 3 weeks"

"Love you too son, see you then"

I hang up the phone with a smile, I turn around to head out of the office to see the boys running over to me


"Woah what's going on?" I ask confused

"IT'S SID DUDE!" Lars says in a panic

"Sid? What's wrong with Sid?" I ask panicked

"That's just it Hammett, we have no clue where the fuck she is.." Cliff says in a worried tone

"Fuck! Where could she have gone?"

"We don't know.. all we know is that we were in line getting some food after you left, she was right behind us too.. and once we got our food we were waiting for her to come out but she never did.. we just figured she went looking for you so we sat down and ate but it's been a while and we still haven't found her and that's when we came to find you!" Lars blurts out

"We have to find her c'mon!" I exclaim running back toward the camp in search of my girlfriend

I swear if someone hurt her they're dead


We walk around camp trying to find her, it's been a good 40 minutes and there was still no sign of her

"Dudes! Come check this out!" James yells out

We all run over to where he was to see..

"Drag marks.."

"You don't think..?" Lars asks worried

"Someone fucking got Sadie.." Cliff replies

"We need to get a councilor!" I say running off in the direction of the office, the boys trailing after me as well

Once we reach the office I bang on the door for someone, it opens to reveal the male councilor that came and got Sid and I for the phone calls

"Yes?" He asks

"We have a situation!" I exclaim to him

"What situation?"

"Sadie Normandy is missing!" I yell at him

"Fuck! Go back to your cabins, we'll send some councilors out to look and we'll call the cops.. but whatever you do.. Don't. Leave. Your. Cabin." He says grabbing the gun off the wall and walking out

"Woah.." James says with his eyes wide

"Come on! We gotta go"

Just then the camp intercoms go off

"Attention all Campers and Councilors, we have a missing Camper and are now under lockdown. All Campers must return to their cabins until further notice, Councilors meet at the meeting hall for further instructions. No one is coming in or out till we find this missing Camper. If anyone has any information about Sadie Normandy please tell a councilor so we can find her. Thank you"

"Fuck this is real huh.." James mutters out..

"Yeah.. it is.."

"Kirk.. are you okay?" Lars asks concerned

"No. My fucking girlfriend is missing, I swear if I find who did this they're dead." I say storming off towards the boys cabin

Once I make it to the cabin I walk up to the door about to go in when I hear a sort of whimper, raising my eyebrows confused I walk over to the part of the woods where I heard the whimper to see..

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