Lars Ulrich Is A No Good Fucker!

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I angrily stomp my way into the cafe doors, going over the the boy's table I slam my hands down onto it.

"Woah what's wrong with you.." James asks confused

"Your fucking drummer happened." I say annoyed

The boys look over at Lars confused

"The fuck did I do?" He asks

"Why the FUCK are you telling people I sucked Kirk off behind the bushes last night." I explain

Kirk looks over at Lars again

"Dude! Wtf!" He exclaims

"LARS! Why are you telling people that?" Cliff asks

"What! I saw them in the bushes so the only explanation is she sucked him off...."

"We were hiding from the councilor! You fucking idiot!" I yell at him, flicking him on the forehead

James looks over at me and gives me a sympathetic look

"I'm sorry Sid.. look Lars will make sure he gets everything cleared up and no one will talk about it anymore.." he says

I nod and look back over to Lars "you are so lucky your friends with James.. otherwise I would have KILLED YOU."

"I'm sorry okay.." Lars says

"Yeah whatever." I say getting up and leaving the table, walking outside to get some fresh air

Camp just got 20x worse all because Lars can't shut his fucking mouth

"Sadie?" Calls a voice

I turn around and see Dave with another guy heading right towards me

"Oh hey Dave"

"Hey, this is my friend Jason he's new to camp as well." Dave says

Jason looks at me and smiles.. "hey Jason, nice to meet you dude" I say

"It's nice to meet you as well.."

POV: Kirk

𓆩⚝𓆪 𝙰 𝚏𝚎𝚠 𝚖𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚐𝚘

The boys and I were talking at the table and laughing when suddenly Sadie comes stomping over here slamming her hands down on the table.

We all stop talking and look over at her

"Woah what's wrong with you.." James asks first

"Your drummer happened." She says pissed off

Great.. Of course Lars had to do something to piss the one girl in the group off..

We all look over at Lars

"The fuck did I do?" He asks raising his eyebrows in confusion

She looks over at him and scuffs "Why the FUCK are you telling people I sucked Kirk off behind the bushes last night."

My eyes go wide and I look back over at Lars

"DUDE! WTF!" I exclaim

"LARS! Why are you telling people that?" Cliff yells at him

James just shakes his head and looks over at Sadie

"What! I saw them in the bushes so the only explanation is she sucked him off...." Lars explains

"We were hiding from the councilor! You fucking idiot!" She yells, flicking him on the forehead

I nod my head at what she says just as James starts to say something

"I'm sorry Sid.. look Lars will make sure he gets everything cleared up and no one will talk about it anymore.."

She looks back over at James and nods giving him a small smile, then looking at Lars

"you are so lucky your friends with James.. otherwise I would have KILLED YOU." She says pointing her finger at him

"I'm sorry okay.." Lars tells her

"Yeah whatever." She says getting up and leaving

I look over at Lars and shake my head

"Dude.. seriously.. what the fuck is wrong with you.." James asks him getting up to go after Sadie

"Lars.. why must you open your mouth.." Cliff says rolling his eyes

"You could have seriously ruined our friendship with her.. you danish fucking rat!" I exclaim

I get up to follow after James

Once we both get outside we spot Sadie talking with two guys

"Isn't that Dave?" James asks me

I nod my head, why the hell is she talking to Dave anyways..

"Who's with him though?"

"Not sure.. let's go see what's going on.." James says

We both walk over to them, looking over at Sadie

"Sadie? Who's this?" I ask

"Oh hey guys, this is Dave and Jason" she explains

"Oh we know who Dave is.." James says looking over at him glaring his eyes at him

"C'mon Sadie.. let's go.." I say grabbing her hand as all three of us walk away

POV: Sadie

"Okay what the hell was that about..?" I ask both of them

"Look.. we don't fuck with Dave.. he's fucking crazy, so don't associate yourself with him.. god it." James explains

"He's nice to me though.. look I don't know what happened between y'all but he hasn't done anything to me so I think I'm good." I say folding my arms over my chest

"He's salty about us kicking him out of the band and getting Kirk okay.."

I look over a Kirk and he nods

I sigh before I open my mouth to speak, "still, he hasn't done anything to me.. he's actually really nice.. "

They both look at me with a shocked look on their faces

"Look.. we just don't want you to get hurt, and you being 'friends' with Dave.. is gonna get you hurt.." James explains

"I'm a grown, independent woman.. I can take care of myself!" I exclaim

"Ok fine! But if he tries anything I'm kicking his ass!" James says walking away

Kirk still stands right in front of me

"Meet me by the lake, after lock down.." he says giving me a smile and walking away

I smile back when I hear a twig snap behind me, I turn around suddenly to see who was behind me

But I see no one... absolutely... fucking... no one..

What the fuck is fucking happening..

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