Sadie's My Wingman!

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(Before you start this chapter.. you might wanna go back to the introductions page as I have added what Diana looks like.. being as I came up with her last minute and therefore added her in. So if you were wondering.. there you have it)

Pov: Kirk

"Oh shit she's talking to her dude!" I say lightly slapping Lars on the shoulder

"DUDE! Wtf.." he exclaims

"She's probably finding out more about her for you.." James says

Cliff nods in agreement with James

"Yeah, I'm sure Sadie wouldn't purposely ruin it for you.."

"Uh I did kinda spread a rumor about y'all so... and she was pissed about it dudes! What if she like wants to ruin it for me"

I look at him and roll my eyes "dude Sadie is over it.. she's not gonna hold a grudge against you"

"Yeah dude this is Sid we're talking about.." James says

I look back up to find Sadie smiling at the girl, her smile is so fucking gorgeous.. makes me realize that I actually fucking love her.. her smile, her laugh, her looks, her personality.. just everything about her makes me physically fall in love with her even more.

"Holy shit they're coming over here!" Lars whisper yells at us

I focus back in to see.. sure enough Sadie is holding the girls hand and bringing her over here

POV: Sadie

We both sit down at the table next to each other

"Boys! This is Diana, she's 17 and believe it or not enjoys the art of metal." I explain

"Nice to meet you Diana.." they all say

"Hey.. nice to meet y'all too.. um wait what's your names?" She asks confused


"I'm Kirk" he says smiling



Diana smiles and nods "well it's nice to meet y'all.."

"Hey Diana, these boys here are in a band.."

She looks over at me with a shocked look on her face "really?"

"Yes! The names Metallica.. metal band obviously" I say laughing

"Oh cool! What instruments do each of y'all play?"

"I play rhythm guitar and sing for the band" James explains

"Oh cool!"

"I play bass" Cliff says

"Lead guitar" Kirk mumbles out

Diana nods and looks over at Lars

"And you play.. uh drums correct?" She sort of stutters out

"Uh yeah i do" he replies to her

"Cool, I think drums are pretty cool!" She expresses

I look over at everyone else and smirk at them

"Hey Diana, why do you go over and sit with Lars and talk about drum beats?" I say hoping it'll bring them closer

"Uh yeah sure.." she says getting up and going over to sit with Lars, once she sits down they immediately engage into a conversation

"And that my dudes.. is why I'm a wingman and y'all aren't!" I tell the other three smirking

"How the fuck did you even get her over here.." James asks confused

"She has a crush on Lars and all I had to do was talk Lars up, make him seem like a good guy.." I explain

"That was a nice thing Sid.. you really should have let Lars grow the hell up and do it himself.. but it was nice of you.." Cliff says smiling

Kirk grabs my hand under the table and interlocks our fingers again

"So now we gotta find y'all girlfriends dudes!"

"Uh what?" Kirk asks

"Not you lover boy." I say rolling my eyes

"Ooo she's feisty! Why would she help you get a girlfriend when y'all are dating.." James expresses

"We aren't dating dickhead!" I say

"Not yet anyways.. Kirk ask her out now." Cliff tells him

"What! No not now!" Kirk says freaking out

"Why not now.. what's wrong with now?" I ask

"I want it to be special.." he mumbles out

"Dude she obviously is in love with you.. just ask her out!" James whisper yells

"Dude!" Kirk exclaims

"Aww Kirk are you scared I'm gonna reject you" I say pouting my lower lip out at him

"No! And stop looking at me like that!"

"Ooo sid you better stop before he kisses you!" James says laughing

"Shut up James!" Kirk says getting up and pulling me along with him outside

"Ooo Kirk here is getting bold! Be careful Sid, he gets aggressive if ya know what I mean!" James yells out to us winking

I laugh at his antics while Kirk opens the door and we go outside

He pulls us over to a wall away from the cafe and lightly pushes me against it

"Why would you do that." He says blushing a little bit

I smirk as I look up at him "ya know if you did ask me out.. I wouldn't say no"

"Look it's not that I don't want to it's just.. I wanna make sure it's at the perfect time Sid.."

"But Kirk we both know we like each other.. just ask.."

"Fine.. Sadie do you wanna be my girl.." he asks me

I smile at him and nod "fuck yeah I do" I say wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling his head down closer to me kissing him

He grabs ahold of my hips and pushes me closer to him as he kisses back more intensively

I pull back catching my breath after a few minutes of an amazingly intense make out session

"We should get back before they think we're actually fucking or something.." I say letting out a small laugh

"Would that be so bad.." he says smirking

"Uh yeah it would.. c'mon kirky"

Kirk looks down at me "I don't know Sid.. I kinda enjoy it just being me.. and you.. alone.. in the woods" he whispers in my ear

"Really Kirk.." I say rolling my eyes playfully

Kirk starts kissing my neck pushing me back against the wall

I let out a pleasurable sigh "fine we can stay out here.. but only for a few more minutes"

He pulls away from my neck and smirks at me "I knew I could change your mind.." he says as he pulls my shirt up and over my head

"Yeah and I said only a few minutes so.. tick tock lover boy"

He nods and starts kissing down my neck again

"It'll only take a few minutes I promise"

"Yeah I'm holding you to that.."

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