Chapter 1

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Four Months Ago
"Do you think it'll hurt?"
"I don't kn.."

The three supernaturals open there eyes and are confused at what they see. They look around and see that they are in the same spot they were a second ago and not whatever place they thought they'd go after death.

The three look down and awkwardly unlatched their hands from one another. Damon clears his throat saying, "Well that got awkward fast."

"Where are the gates, the clouds, the angels with halos?" I asked trying to clear the tension that we were supposed to meet our ends.

"I think the word you're looking for is fire and never ending misery." Damon chuckles while I lightly smacked him across the chest.

"What happened? Where is everybody?" Bonnie asked confused. She looked around the quiet woods and started to walk away.

"Where ya going? Hey." Damon asked grabbing my hand and following after the witch.

We've been walking around Mystic Falls trying to find someone..anyone. "Well, I feel a fang, so i'm still a vampire." Damon said while checking his teeth, "Either i'm a dead vampire, or Mystic Falls is no longer magic-free."

I silently agree while checking my own fangs. "Look." Bonnie says. The three of us look at what was once a blown up restaurant to a up and running Mystic Grill.

"What the fuck." I mutter under my breath, not believing what i'm seeing.

"I definitely blew that up about an hour ago." Damon said.

Bonnie looks around, "Why don't we see any people? If we're still on the other side, we should at least be able to see the living."

"And the dead." I knew if we were on the other side we would see dead supernaturals, maybe he's gone. Accept it Natalya.

"Where the hell are we? And I don't mean geographically." Damon asks starting to feel tense. Which wasn't a natural thing.

"I have no idea." Bonnie answers just as confused as the rest of us.

"Welp, we're screwed." I say throwing my hands up, thinking what I did wrong for the universe to throw me here...wherever here is.


We stayed up all night roaming the streets of Mystic Falls. It's now morning and we're walking the streets tiredly. I'm walking miserably holding my black hoodie I took off once the hot sun rose. Luckily, I had a white top underneath to cool myself down. I still had smudged mascara under my eyes from crying last night, saying goodbye once again to the man I love.

"Ugh. How many more streets are we gonna wander?"

"How many times are you gonna ask me questions i don't have the answers to? Hmm?"

I groan in the back of the two. They have been bickering all night and all morning. At this point I'll take hell over these two who fight like an old married couple.

"There's something weird about these cars." Bonnie said, observing the cars parked on the sidewalk.

"Yeah, they're almost all 20 years old or more, and yet they look brand-new." Damon pointed out. Gliding his hand on the hood of one the cars.

"I always forget how old you really are...weird." I jokingly said as the two stop to look at something.

"And that is Elena's not-so-burnt-to-a-crisp house." Damon says looking at Elena's house that was perfectly intact. When back at home it was nothing but dust.

𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑴𝐞 - 𝐾𝑎𝑖 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now