Chapter 16

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The next morning, I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling for what seemed like hours. I couldn't believe I kissed Malachai Parker. What is wrong with me? Was I going mental?

I got out of bed and decided I needed to face Kai. I didn't want to, because it was embarrassing. I pushed him against a wall and made out with him, but in my defense, I was kind of drunk.

But just as that idea appeared it easily went away when I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw the brunette boy making breakfast.

He seemed to notice my presence while flipping the omelet he was making. He turned around with a smile on his face. "Morning, sleepy head! Hope you're hungry. I'm making omelets."

I was surprised he was acting normal as if nothing happened. Maybe he was so drunk he doesn't remember. I hesitantly sat down, while he sat down across from me, setting the plate in front of me.

"So, guess what?" Kai enthusiastically asked.


"You have to guess, Angel." He rolled his eyes like a child would.

"Uh...I honestly have no clue. Just tell me." I couldn't think of what he wanted me to guess.

"You ruined the game, but whatever," Kai said annoyed, then went back to being excited. "I finally finished putting the ascendant back together!"

"Really?" He only nodded happily at my question.

"Okay, so now what?" I asked confused.

"What do you mean?" He titled his head.

"Well, we have the ascendant, you perform the spell, and I'm obviously the power source. But we don't have Bennet blood." I explained. I didn't want to sound negative, but it was just hard to have hope when the one thing we needed wasn't here.

"Such the pessimist, sweetheart."

I rolled my eyes and said, "All I'm saying is I wanna be home for Christmas."

Kai acted offended, clutching his heart, "What? Don't wanna spend your Christmas with me?"

"No, I don't." I smiled while eating a piece of my omelet from the fork.


"Fuck." I sighed. I'm downstairs in the basement going through the fridge containing blood bags, but the supply is low. There's only enough to last me two weeks. I felt a presence behind me which I assumed was Kai, but when I turned around I saw a white middle-aged man. He had gray stubble on his jaw, gray hair, and blue eyes. He looked oddly familiar, but I didn't know from where.

He seemed to notice the surprised look on my face as he stepped a bit closer, now face to face. His smirk wasn't like Kai's. Kai's was taunting, but this mysterious man's smile felt evil. "You must be Natalya."

I don't know how to explain it, but he gave me goosebumps. I knew this mysterious guy was bad news. Where the hell is Kai? I straightened up, so I didn't look afraid. "Who the hell are you and how are you here right now?"

"Oh, I'm not really here. I'm just a figment of your imagination."

"What?" I scoffed. "You expect me to believe I have an imaginary friend?"

The man only grinned, but it didn't reach his eyes. His eyes seemed to be filled with...hatred and disgust. I looked towards the stairs behind him thinking of a way to get Kai's attention, but it seemed the man picked up on my plan. "He can't get out. I don't care how many times your friends beg me to help you--you've become friends with the abomination, which makes you collateral damage."

My friends? My eyes widened even more than they already were. "What? You know my friends? Who are you?"

"That doesn't matter. What matters is you're going to help me keep him here."

"Listen, sir, I don't even know who you are. And who are you even talking about?" As I questioned him, he stepped closer while I stepped back. "Move any closer and I will tear your throat out, old man."

My threat didn't seem to scare him as he only smirked, "I've heard about you. Klaus Mikaelson's hybrid. I've heard of the things you've done...the people you've killed. You're just as much an abomination as Malachai is. You both deserve to rot here."

Before I could say anything, he lunged at me, putting his hands on my temples. I groaned out in pain--my brain cells feeling like they were popping over and over again until everything went black.

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