Weekend:Sleepover. PT2:Told on

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Malik POV

I'm being a tease? IM FLIRTING WITH YOU! CANT YOU SEE THAT? I. LOVE. YOU. ever since we met I've had eyes for YOU MATEO! ONLY YOU! I want you and only you for as long as possible. I need to man up and tell him....shhdh I want him so badd.

"You two would be perfect together." Cameron cooed.

"Don't act like you have never talk about fucking Ma-" Debbie got a shoe thrown at her.

"Leave confused little Cam out of this." Lillian snuggled up next to Cameron, he probably is her favorite friend out of our friend group.

"Leave my sexuality out of this, for Christ sake." Cameron groaned.

"C'mon boo! Nobody here cares, Mateo's gay, Malik is bisexual, I'm lesbian, and Lillian's straight! If you like cock, okay. If you like pussy, okay! If you like everything and more, no one cares." Debbie said.

"She's right dude, we could care less who you like I mean Mateo likes Malik, we don't care" Lillian sighed.

"Lillian!" Mateo yelled.

"Wait, wait, wait. what? You like me?" I looked at Mateo who was blushing like crazy.

"Why'd you have to tell me like that Lillian?" Mateo got up and left the apartment.

"Well he just got in his car, he's leaving. Asshole move Lillian" Debbie said, she was watching from the window.

"I thought Malik knew and just didn't like him back?" Lillian cluelessly said.

"I like him back, Lillian! Isn't it somewhat obvious? You didn't have to out him like that." I said rubbing both my temples.

"You gonna go after him?" Cameron asked.

"He should go after him, not because he likes him because he's his friend." Debbie said.

"Well shit why don't we all go then." Lillian spat.

"Debbie, Cameron come with me were going to get him." I said getting up.

"What about me?" Lillian asked.

"You told him, sorry, but you shouldn't come." Cameron said getting up a leaving.

"Fuck you assholes" Lillian scoffed.

"Love you too Lillian!" Debbie and Cameron yelled walking out the door.

"Are you gonna tell him you like him back" Debbie got in the front seat.

"I'm to much of a coward, I won't do it even if I wanted to." I sat in the front seat whilst Cameron got in the back.

"Sack up and tell him." Debbie murmured.

"Shush" I said.

Mateo's house

I walked up and knock on the door very nervously, his mom answered the door.

"Hi Mrs Rodriguez, is Mateo here?"

"No Míel he's not I thought he was supposed to be with you?" His mom asked feeling concerned.

"No Ma'am he got up and left maybe 20 minutes ago we thought he might of came home?"

"He might of went to his brother Evon's house. He stays there from time to time."

"What's the address I'll check if he's there, what's the address?"

I got the address from his mom, got back in my car and drove to his brother's house. The entire drive there I was contemplating if I should tell him if I like him or not. I didn't decide, I just decided to do what, I wanted to do when I saw him.

"Do you want us to come in or stay in the car?" Debbie looked over towards me.

"No" I got out of the car way too nervously, you could practically see it spilling out of me.

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