Im Repping Big-T

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A/N: Just so y'all know, I'm black, and this part mentions the N-word. I don't want anyone harassing me bc this part includes it.

"hey li'l bruh I heard you is ona T's runners?" A big tattooed guy walked up to me, with 3 other dudes.

"A'ight man you can't be runnin' up on me like that"

When I'm in situations like this, and I specifically mean sitting in jail. I switch to what my friends called: Hood Malik. Basically I take everything, my father has ever said, and put it to my vocals. So I sound like him.
A "thug"

"What I mean is what you repping li'l homie?" He walked a lil bit closer.

"Ian repping nun" lie

"You lying?" He grabbed the front of my white life beater.

"A'ight bruh, get off me. Ian even do nun to you." I tried to push him away but his grip got tighter.

"Like I said, are you ona T's boys?"

"I'm his son, not one of his runners." I scoffed.

"A'ight, that's all I wanted to know bruh. I work for T, I've been asked to have your back in here" His attitude changed real quick.

"I'll be bailed out soon, so no need." My sigh of relief was kinda loud.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that li'l Nigga" He said smugly.

What do you mean by I shouldn't be so sure?

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