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Cameron met Mateo when he was in 8th grade.


Hey! I'm the freshman who will be giving you the tour of the freshman quarters! I'm Mateo, nice to meet you." The curly headed boy smiled brightly.

"I'm Cameron, nice too meet you Mateo."

"You ready for highschool?" Mateo asked.

"I'm supposed to be in highschool already but I was held back in 7th grade." Cameron responded.

"Aw, you seem so cool! I wish you weren't held back. So this is our English and History hall. We also have art, technology, health, and Spanish classes in this hallway." Mateo explained.

"Well we could be friends?" Cameron asked.

"Yea! Sure!"


He appreciated his friend group and everyone in it. He only had one problem, Malik. Cam was always jealous of Malik and how much Mateo loved him. Cameron truly loved Mateo but it was always one sided. Mateo only loved Malik. Cam knew this first hand because Mateo told him. Cam admired Mateo and everything about him. Maybe even in ways Malik didn't, but his feelings won't be returned.
He knew this but wouldn't get over it.


Cam, what's the problem? You been so bitchy lately." Lillian asked.

"Nothings the problem."

"Obviously somethings wrong Cam." Debbie added. "We're not dumb."

"Cam, you can tell us anything. You know that." Malik piled on.

"It's nothing guys. Mateo you could you roll that any slower?" Cam slightly chuckled.

"I'm going as fast as I can! It's a delicate art!" Mateo somewhat shouted.

"Mateo if you did it how I taught you, it wouldn't take you so long." Debbie said.

"The way you showed me looks to hard!"

"Give me the goddamn joint!" Debbie snatched the tray away from Mateo. With that she finished what has taken Mateo 10 minutes in under 30 seconds.

"How'd you do that?! Anyways I was rolling it so I get first hit off of it." Mateo smiled like he was about to tell Pinky what their plans to take over the world are.

"I finished rolling it, I get first hit." Debbie lit up the joint and took a puffed then passed it to Lillian who was beside her.

"Cam, seriously what the fuck is up wit you?" Lillian asked passing the joint to Malik.

"You wouldn't even want to know."

"But we do" Malik said with smoke curling from his lips.

"Why do you guys always have to be so fucking nosy!" Cameron snapped, he doesn't know why but he did.

"What the fuck is your problem? We love you, you can tell us anything." Mateo sympathetically said.

"You!" Cameron shouted. "You love sucking the fucking life out of people!"

"Cam, there's no need to be mean. We all have stuff going on." Malik murmured.

"Shut the hell up Malik! You don't even know half of what I have going on." Cameron started gathering his things so he could leave.

"Can, don't be like this" Mateo said.

"You wanna know something Mateo?" Cameron paused. "Every single fucking time! I look at you I think to myself 'who the fuck does Mateo think he is?' I've finally figured it it out, you're a selfish idiot who loves to be loved." Cameron finished gathering his things and left slamming the door behind him.

It's not like Cameron didn't mean what he said just he didn't mean to say it.

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