‼️💐Why do you?💐‼️

25 1 0

💐=somewhat fluffy chap.
🌸=Fluff/lovey dovey chap.
🍋=Smut/Lemon chap.
👯‍♂️=Not-Vanilla Smut/lemon chap.
🗨️=Filler/Meme chap.
‼️=Must Read chap.
^^Must read chapters are key points for the story.
These are just for the next upcoming chapters.

"Malikk, my man if feel *hic* very alive!" I threw my arm over his shoulder.

"Mateo, I don't think it's good for you to be drinking like this." Malik put his arm around my waist to hold me up.

"I don't need your AA right now!"  I shouted. "If I wanted that I would've just gone to a meeting instead of coming here."

"But you were sober 2 years." He leaned over and whispered into my ear.

"I wasn't sober. I smoked weed with you guys. Remember?" I asked.

"Just let the man live!" Deion stepped up to Malik. "It isn't any of your business what he does with his life."

"I've know him longer. And you met him what? Yesterday?"

"Okay and? What the fuck does it matter to you if he drinks or not?" Deion grabbed my arm slightly.

"Okay man back off, and quit disrespecting me in my own house. I know what is, and isn't good for him. You don't."

"Nigga ian disrespectful, so don't tell me I am. You think you slick shit, don't you? Well guess what you ain't."

"Don't call me nigga we ain't friends bruh" Malik stated. "Transfer schools thinking everything you did at your past school ain't finna come up for air, but guess what? I know what you did. Now you can either back the fuck up or let me tell everyone what you did!" Someone turned off the music for some reason and everyone started listening.

Deion pushed Malik and said "you don't know shit!"

"Ay! A'ight why don't we all just calm down." Debbie stepped in front of Malik.

"Debs is right why don't we just calm downn" I said holding myself up on Malik's shoulder.

"Nah fuck that! This fool wan-" Malik started.

"Malik, ge- I'm gonna throw up." I rushed towards the bathroom Malik followed.

"Somebody turn the music back on!" The music got turned back on.

I ran to the bathroom with acidic alcohol climbing up my throat. I threw my knees on the floor and threw up.

"Oh Mon Chérie" Malik said in a sincere but bad french accent.

I was still puking my guts out, waiting for a moment to speak. Once I felt a bit relived I said "don't call me Chérie you say that to your partner, someone you love to much for words."

"I.. I uh, are you okay?" His voice cracked, it was funny.

"Can you answer one thing for me?" I slouched down and rested my head on the shower glass. Malik nodded. "Do you Love me?"

"I do" Malik's voice started to break.

"I mean do you Love Love me?"

"I fucking do Mateo isn't it obvious? I. Love. You."

"I would kiss you but I taste like puke."

"C'mere" Malik grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "I love you." He put his fingers in my hair.

The song "I see red" was playing. Don't know why it was but it was. Probably the cornist moment ever but it was nice.

"Hey guys quit being romantic and help me with Lilli" Debbie interrupted my oh so romantic moment.

"No, I wanna hangout with Malik." I flat out declined.

"I can smell your breath from over here, have some gum" she threw a pack of gum at me and walked away.

"Flush the toilet if you done throwing up. I'll be in my room." Malik walked out.

Malik, Oh good God. Why do you always do that? Why do you want me? Why do you care about me? Why do you Love me like I Love you?

So anyway, I went to Malik's room and he was already asleep by then. I got in the bed after taking off my shoes and went sleep too.

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