13. Close To You

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Im sorry that it took so long to update this but with this whole situation was so overwhelming.
But like always I hope you enjoy this chapter
It was no secret that vegas' behavior changed the second he received the call from his father. Pete was happy to help him if he let him. but vegas pushed him out of the room and locked himself. He could hear him shouting and cursing. But that was it.

Pete sat on the ground behind the door. He couldn't leave him. He understands him. But yet seeing vegas in pain and hearing cracks in his voice is like pouring hot lava into his stomach. It burns him. It physically crushes him.

He sat there in silence and after about 15 minutes of argument it became silent. But it didn't last long since it was followed by the loud voices of crashing things and breaking glasses and pained shouts.

Pete panicked. he cried and begged him to unlock the door but it fell the deaf ears. He sat behind the door and rested his forehead on it and cried. he cried for vegas. For his pain. he knew its too much.
He just sat there and lost track of time. He didn't even notice the footsteps not until the door opened and he fell to the ground. Vegas hurridly kneeled on the ground and hauled him in his arms

"oh, Pete im sorry... I am so sorry. I'm so fucked up."' vegas kept saying while peppering small kisses on Pete's hair and Pete kept weeping.
He cupped his face and tried to clean the tears on his face.

"my love that's enough. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just so overwhelmed. Please stop crying. Please." his voice was shaking.

Pete hugged him closer to his body and hide his face in his chest. Vegas kept rubbing his back and whispered sweet nothings and he finally calmed down.

" Are you better now? Do you want a glass of water? ". Vegas asked and tried to move him so he can see his face but Pete hold him even tighter.

"Just hold me. Stay," he whispered.

"I'm here darling. Don't worry I won't let you go. Im sorry."

"im not mad vegas. I'm... I'm sad for you. It's so unfair. I wish I could've killed him and finished your pain."

"oh, Pete my foolish Pete. I'm fine. you're here with me. Macau is safe. everything gonna be fine." He said while barely holding his smile." won't you let me see your beautiful face?" he teased

Pete loosened his grip on his shirt and looked at him shyly. His face was wet with tears and his eyes and nose were red. And vegas felt like an asshole for thinking he was so kissable right now.

He cleaned his face and moved closer gently resting his forehead on Pete's who lets out a shaky breath.

"so Pete....worst first day ever huh? Im taking all your fist in the worst way possible" he said teasingly just to soften the mood. To his surprise, Pete close the gap between them and kissed him passionately making him moan into the kiss. Pete break the kiss and looked into his eyes.

" as long as it's with you I don't care about the rest."Pete let out and licked his bottom lip just like an invitation.

"Pete... You can't say shit like that and expect me to stay sane." Vegas growled.

He sat on his lap and kissed his jaw "Good thing to know then." Vega's holds on his back tightened. He can feel his fingers pressing on his hot skin.

"your room is a mess do you mind if we stay in my room?" vegas hummed while kissing his jawline to his collar bone making pete breath hitch.
"didn't know you have a room here too since you were always with me."

Pete chuckled" personal choice as I always tell you. I want to be as close to you as possible."

Vegas stands up and scooped him up with himself." so let's make that a reality."

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