part 13

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the Marauders were falling apart. This is practically unheard of throughout their entire time at Hogwarts. They were never really heard from in weeks. They came into class and sat as far away as possible. James where possible was found in one of two places, curled up with a book in a library or snuggled up close in the Slytherin common room, If people did not know better some would assume he was sorted into Slytherin instead of Gryffindor Leaving the Gryffindor common rooms in complete silence, there were no arguments from Sirius and Remus, No James complimenting Sirius every second of every day, enough to make one sick. At one point a person would have prayed to Gordic that they would just shut up even for a second, but now everyone just wants the sounds of shouting coming from their dorm, or the constant whispering of plotting or just to see the four together again. The worst part is no one knows what happened to the marauders or how to fix this, they are just aware that they are better together, this was quickly learnt but the incident back in the fifth year. it had been weeks since Sirius and Remus has uttered a single word to each other. They can barely look at each other in the eyes without feeling the emotions of utter betrayal. Sirius honestly did not know how he could bring himself to forgive Remus. He was fully aware that what Remus did was not a direct betrayal to him but a betrayal to his best friend, and any betrayal to James meant it affected him too, this was just common sense, there was no Sirius without James and if James ever passed away he might just have to join him. It was not like Remus hadn't tried to make it up to him, He really had, He had brought him all sorts of treats including giving up his chocolate pile, and he even tried to bring me a dog bone, Needless to say, Padfoot was extremely happy and Sirius may have lost control of his own body for a good five minutes. But Sirius could not forgive Remus because James would have not forgiven Remus that easily, He outted James and if that had been Sirius being outted well he isn't sure what he would have done but being friends with Remus was not on the list. Sirius however was not stupid he knew his friendship group was falling apart. Remus spent all day in bed, even on days he was not recovering from an exhausting night, he was not himself, he had almost given up, James could never be located, and sometimes he would be caught studying but that was so much not like the James he used to know, he honestly missed his best friend, rumour had it though that he was constantly in the Slytherin dorms, with who is unknown but he was commonly found curled up by the fire with a Slytherin green blanket, James also has been getting into the habit of missing quidditch practices or just turning up late and giving the laziest planned training to the team, this is the part that concerned Sirius the most, James loved Quidditch, he was most happy on the pitch but recently he just wasn't, it honestly reminded Sirius of when his brother fell into a deep depression after his parents had beat him into oblivion after Sirius had left so needless to say he had his eyes on James. As for Peter, he was trying his hardest to hold the group together, he was the one forcing Remus up and out of bed, and got him showered when it was very clear the only thing Remus wanted was his bed and this gave Sirius a pain in his chest because deep down he knew he still loved Remus no matter how much he wanted to hate him right now. Peter had also tried to run group therapy with everyone else but that ended poorly in fighting and screams. He soon gave up fixing everything, he still talks to Sirius and James when he can be found but Pete is commonly found mainly complaining to Lily and Marlene about how much he loved his friends and how he hated how things had become, he wanted nothing more than to reunite, plan a prank, get detention, anything that was not silence or anger and honestly he wanted to give peter that because he cared deeply about Peter but for once he did not know how to fix this. Maybe this is how Remus felt after the failed prank of the fifth year.


"Okay so just run me through this, You want me James Potter your boyfriend at breakfast to run up and kiss Barty Crouch Jr on the lips?" James repeated completely confused by Regulus' request "um yes? What part of the plan was not clear?" Regulus replied in a monotone voice "The fact that you are my boyfriend and I care deeply about you!" James screamed back. "Listen, love-" Regulus started taking James' hand in his own "I love you, and that will never change, You are stuck with me for life, but to soften the blow this needs to happen. "Regulus confirms "B-But I only want to kiss you." James protests "Trust me I am not too happy about that either. I will be insanely Jealous but on the bright side you can spend breakfast with us a lot." Regulus replies "I mean I cannot stand one more breakfast with the marauders it is far too akward, "James tells them "And it is not like I am ugly I am conventially attractive" Barty comments whilst smirking "Oi, you are mine" Evan comments grabbing Barty and pulling him into a kiss. James and Regulus just laugh and decided to take advantage of the situation and start their own kissing session


This is exactly what the boys did. The following morning bright and early at breakfast the boys all left their respective dorms. James was shaking like a leaf getting ready in the bathroom, he knew this is what had to be done but he knew once his sexuality was out into the open there was no taking it back and he feared for his life what Sirius would think, what his parents would say once they caught onto the news. He was extremely lucky that he had amazing parents, ones that did not abuse him, nor did they ever judge him, but being anything but straight is not really accepted in society and he knew the idea of a marriage was technically out of the question, it was greatly accepted in the wizarding world let alone in the muggle world. The thing is though He knew he loved Regulus and he knew he would go to great lengths to protect him and keep him safe, he also knew however that he wanted him forever even if that meant illegally becoming Mr black. As for now though he had to tackle coming out. It seems simple but he knew nothing is just simple at Hogwarts


It was now or never. The time had arrived Barty, Evan and Regulus had just entered the great hall and James knew he had to make this as believable as possible. He had to make it seem like he loved Barty, as if he was his boyfriend and no matter what he could look lovey-dovey at Regulus, the issue was that James always wanted to look at Regulus, he could never get bored of looking at his boyfriend, he was simply just beautiful, he was literally perfect. "Barty my love it took you long enough. I missed you" James said as loud as he could before jumping in Barty's arms and looking up at him. Barty can never take anything seriously so of course he was trying his best not to break down in laughs. "Sorry love, You can blame Reg he was taking to fluff up his hair" Barty spoke looking directly at Regulus and giving him a wink James was still trying his hardest to not look at Regulus. He loved his hair all fluffed up and Regulus knew his weaknesses, it was almost as if he was trying to make him fail "Well you are very much forgiven because I have you now, Both of you" James comments looking between Evan and Barty and placing a kiss on both of their cheeks. "Don't think I forgot about my favourite Slytherin" James teases looking between them "hey, you take that back Potter!" Regulus shouted a little too loud "You wish Black. " James laughs before taking his position between Barty and Evan, linking hands and leading them to the Slytherin tableAs predicted every pair of eyes within a five-mile radius was eyeing the four boys. Some were whispering, Some were just staring, others were glaring, others just had eyes of confusion and honestly if James was not part of this crazy plan he would be just as confused. Of course, everyone knew James had been spending most of his time within the Slytherin common rooms but they would have never guessed he was dating a boy, let alone two, let alone Sirius' brother's best friends which Sirius hated with a passion, that was no surprise, this was probably the biggest betrayal and most likely the last nail in the marauders to break them up indefinitely. "Faggot!" Avery shouted at the boys as they walked past James did not know which one of them it was directed towards but never the less he knew they were all gay in some sense and he had the urge to protect them, seeing nothing but red. James the once loveable retriever saw mothing but red. One punch. Two punches then three. The last thing James remembers is being dragged away after his fist had collided with soft skin more than a few times. He only felt pure anger. His ears were ringing, his vision was blurred all he could focus on was payback. No one calls him or his friends a slur and gets away with it. He did not know what overcame his body but at this second his body was on overdrive, his thoughts racing way too fast that he cannot stop he just wants to hit and punch and scream or yell, but he cannot do any of this, so it comes out the only it can. The next minute before James knew what was happening he had broken down, and curled into arms he still had not been able to identify but for James, it did not matter because he still felt safe somehow, that does not mean he wanted anything more than to back in the safety of the Slytherin dorms curled in Regulus' arms knowing that no one could hurt them, where his thoughts were not buzzing and his hands were not throbbing. James however was still scared because James was not like this and he did not know where this behaviour came from but he was too exhausted to care so despite not long waking he closed his eyes and allowed himself to cry himself to sleep before the implications of his actions were able to catch up to him

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