chapter 2

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"Moooooneyyyyyy" Sirius whined

"Yes, my dearest Padfoot?" Remus answered with a little giggle

"I've lost prongs. He was here one minute and then he was gone just like that. He's my second half how the heck am I meant to breathe without him mooney?" Padfoot complained

"Oh Padfoot" Remus sighs

"You are so dramatic and drunk Hunny" He responds running a hand through his hair.

"Heyyyyy. he's my Prongsie" Sirius pouted once more

Remus' heart just melted in that second

"Come on let's sit you down. Maybe with some water and ill go and try and find your beloved Prongs" Remus reassures him.

Sirius nods at him ferociously and jumps straight in his arms "Yes YES YES. THANK YOU MOONEY." He practically shouted

Remus just giggled and helped him sit down. " Come here you. you can barely stand" Remus told his best friend trying to hold back his laugh

"But prongsie" Sirius complained tripping over Remus's feet whilst trying to sit down

"Prongsie will be here soon. Promise." Remus told his friend

"YAYYYY I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU" Sirius practically screamed

Remus' heart just skipped a beat

Relax Remus. he means in a friendly way. He is just happy you are getting James.

"Pete watch him, will you. I'm going to find out where that bloody stag has gotten to" Remus told his other friend with a tone of frustration

"Wait don't leave meeee" Sirius complained standing up to get to Remus again.

He just sighed

"I am only going to be gone for a few minutes,petes there" He reassured Sirius trying to get him to sit down again

"But I've already lost Prongsie I can't lose you two mooneyyyyy" Sirius blurted out as a few tears start to fall

Remus just melted once again. He really did love this boy.

Remus just scooped up the crying boy and held him in his arms.

"Shh, it's okay Siri. I am not going anywhere okay" He reassured the crying boy

Sirius just sniffled and brought himself closer to his best friend clinging on for dear life.

Remus could not help but wonder where his best friend has disappeared to. Only five minutes ago he was sat in the circle with the rest of the group playing truth or dare. Remus had just sneaked off to get a drink being one of the few in the group to not be as drunk as the rest. Yes, Remus Lupin was feeling the effects of the alcoholic beverages but he was nowhere near swaying from side to side and he knew he was not that drunk because he had his self-control. One that was very important in this moment in time. Because in this exact moment in time it was taking a lot of willpower not to lift Siruis' head and kiss the living daylights out of him.


"Hey, reg have you seen?" Barty asked entering the room without knocking. They never bothered knocking, this is because they had no secrets between them, and this stage they had seen everything of each other. They've changed in the same room so it's just second nature to all 3 of them and seeing each other in the morning really did not affect any of them. Well apart from this morning. This was because they did not expect to see a Gryffindor in his bed. A naked Gryffindor with his arms and legs all tangled around Reggies in ways that could only happen after a wild night of intercourse

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