chapter 14

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"When will you just admit that you are in love with a Gryfindor?"Barty complained after interrupting Regulus' rant about hating the Potter boy for the fifth time that week, It was only Monday.

"As if! he acts all big and mighty. God, he is so full of himself. Like we get it you like Quidditch and we get it you have the best friends, those stupid idiotic clan of misfits. Trust me if anyone has the best friends it is me. And none of them are prancing around in stupid Red and bloody Gold." Regulus continued

"merde!" Barty whispered under his breath "Yes and do not forget the way his hair is flawless despite being messy almost every day or the way his eyes sparkle when the sun hits him at just the right angle or how he is the literal sunshine of the Gryffindor tower and is never seen without a smile, like Reg we get it just snog him already" Barty complained once more.

"Va te faire foutre" Regulus replied with a scowl "Non merci, j'ai Evan pour ça" Barty responds with a smirk Regulus just gags and looks like he is generally going to throw up "Je n'avais pas besoin de connaître cette information" regulus responds before making his way out of the room to erase that image out of his brain XXX

It takes James a second when he wakes up but he would know this position anywhere. He know that scent even if it was a million miles away. It was Sirius Black. Precious Sirius. One of the only people he felt safe in. He was just everything to him. James however could not for the life of him remember how he landed here in Sirius' arms. Had he fallen asleep there? He does not remember that but maybe he was just that tired. That does not sound like him though. Maybe he just wanted comfort and he always takes comfort in Sirius.

Suddenly it hit him all at once

"Regulus!" James screams out in a panic Because of course, he does. "No, I'm Sirius. Did you hit your head or something?" Sirius jokes "is he okay? Oh, I am going to kill Avery I swear. Wait, Barty, and Evan where are they? Are they okay? Are they all safe? I swear if he did anything I will-" James rambles in a panic worrying about the whereabouts of his boyfriend and his best friends"They are okay. They are in the dungeons. Everyone is safe. calm down loverboy" Sirius responds The only problem with being in Sirius' arms is that he was seen with Barty and Evan. Not only had he been seen with the Slytherins, but he'd also been seen with the Slytherins romantically and that is not the worst part for James. The worst part is that Sirius saw everything and he was too scared to come out to his best friend and now everything is out in the open. "I'm so sorry. Sirius I-" James tries to explain before breaking down once again"Hey, James. I don't care okay?" Sirius starts B-but I and you- I-" James tries to mumble out as he struggles to catch his breath"James okay listen to me alright? Breathe for me.1....2....3 breathe, 1...2...3... breathe" Sirius tries placing James down on the bed, kneeling down in front of him "Just watch my eyes and breathe that's all I'm asking" Sirius adds "But you-you hate me. Just admit it. I am so sorry" James replies through sobs and heavy breathing "Hey, prongs, I don't care, just breathe for me okay?" Sirius confirms looking into James' eyes "Please just breathe okay?" Sirius adds.

James just nods and tries to take deep breaths looking at Sirius. His best friend. The only one that had the power to calm him down whenever he got upset or angry. All that mattered right now is Sirius. Yes, he was still worrying about Regulus and his friends, and yes, he still wanted to end Avery's life. Right now though all that mattered was crawling back into his best friend's arms and being safe. It was the one thing that both Black brothers were good at, they were both amazing at hugs which is surprising for most given how they grew up but somehow the cruel ways of the black's torture, all the Crucio curses and punishments led them to crave love, crave attention and as sad as that is James is happy to give them every ounce of love that he is capable of because both Regulus and Sirius deserve everything in the world. He loves them both immensely, he loves them both without thinking because he is James potter and that is just what the potters do. They love, They love until they cannot love anymore until they break down into a pile on the floor and all that is left is tears those times are the hardest because the potters are known for their smiles, their unconditional love therefore for James for right now he feels so weak and small. He is at the lowest point and he'd do anything he can to be that happy loveable James in an instant. He should be able to pick himself up, comfort Sirius, protect Regulus, and kill Avery but he just can't do that right now and right at that moment James potter felt like a failure. He did not feel like a potter.

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