Chapter 3

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It had been a few months since the incident where Izuku used Human Transmutation. He had gone to the hospital to find that Truth had told the truth, he was only missing his appendix and a kidney. Now he was standing on the beach opposite Bakugo and Itsuka who were standing in combative stances.

Bakugo: *Yelling* "Come on nerd! Show us what you've got!"

Itsuka: "Yeah! Don't hold back Midoriya!"

Izuku stretched a little before clapping his hands together and making the sand infront of him into a dull spear. He twirled it around before planting the flat end into the the sand.

Izuku: "Let's do this!"

He pulled the spear back out and charged at his two friends. Bakugo charged at him and sent an explosion at Izuku, who jumped over it, the force launched him towards Itsuka. Before he hit her, Izuku slammed the blade of the spear into the ground, giving him something to swing on, and used his momentum to swing on the vertical spear. His momentum carried him around and he kicked Itsuka in the side with both feet before landing and wrenching the spear out of the ground.

Izuku: "That all you got?"

Bakugo: *Yelling* "Nowhere close!"

Izuku was hit in the back by an explosion, making him drop the spear and get launched away. Izuku rolled on the sand when he landed and looked up to see Bakugo still charging at him. In response he clapped his hands and planted them on the ground. A square area of rock then erupted out from the ground, carrying Izuku with it.

Izuku: "Try harder Kacchan!"

Bakugo growled and launched himself up to Izuku, he then made an explosion but unlike his others which were full of force and heat, this one was like a flashbang.

Bakugo: *Yelling* "Now Hands!"

Izuku felt something hit his back which caused him to fall off the stone pillar. He turned in the air to see Itsuka smiling and waving at him as he fell. After a few seconds he hit the ground and got the wind knocked out of him. His two friends jumped down to him and Itsuka helped him up.

Izuku: "Wow, that was great. Though I think I'm done for now. Ow."

Izuku winced as he stood up straight.

Izuku: "That fall hit harder than I thought."

He chuckled as he walked over to a small set of stairs that led to a sidewalk and sat down.

Bakugo and Itsuka began sparring while Izuku pulled out a notebook and began writing down an analysis of the fight he just experienced. After a few minutes someone came up behind him and snatched the book from his hand.

Horishi: "What the hell is this? Some sort of daydream journal?"

Izuku whipped around to see the winged boy reading his latest entry of his notebook.

Izuku: "Give it back!"

Izuku quickly stood and tried to take it but Horishi moved his hand.

Horishi: "Hm, how about no? Actually! You beat me in a fight, you can have this back."

Izuku looked between him and the notebook, other than the book of Alchemy, that notebook was his most important possession as it contained every analysis of his, Bakugo's, and Itsuka's training sessions.

Izuku: "Fine. Let's go over there."

He pointed to an open section of beach and walked over, Horishi following after him. Once they were in their places Izuku spoke up.

Izuku: "Last chance Horishi, give me the book and you leave with your pride intact."

The boy laughed.

Horishi: "Just get this over with and give up quirkless feak."

Izuku sighed.

Izuku: "I tried to be nice."

Horishi charged at Izuku but was stopped by a wall of stone. Izuku hopped over the wall, landed on the ground, clapped his hands, put them to the ground, and put up three more to Horishi's sides and back, effectively boxing him in. Izuku jumped to the hole he left at the top and crouched down on it.

Izuku: "Notebook, now."

Horishi glared at him angrily.

Horishi: *Yelling* "How!? You're supposed to be quirkless!"

Izuku playfully covered his ears.

Izuku: "Must you be so loud? These stone walls just make you louder you know."

Horishi: *Yelling* "Shut up!"

He tried to quickly fly up to Izuku but was stopped when Izuku clapped and added a roof to the stone box. Horishi landed on the ground and looked to one of the walls when a small, notebook sized, slot appeared at eye level.

Izuku: "I beat you, now give me my notebook."

Horishi could here two people walk up to Izuku.

Bakugo: "Who are you talking to nerd?"

Izuku: "Horishi."

Itsuka: "Horishi!? What happened?"

Izuku: "He took my notebook and asked to fight."

Horishi heard the two newcomers chuckle.

Horishi: *Yelling* "It's not funny!"

Horishi angrily shoved the notebook through the slot, which in turn caused Izuku to let him out. Now standing infront of Bakugo, Itsuka, and Izuku, Horishi was terrified and ran off. After he was out of sight Izuku fell onto the sand.

Itsuka: "You alright Midoriya?"

Izuku: "No, my back is killing me, I'm lucky I didn't fall into the box with him."

He tried to get up but his back wouldn't let him.

Izuku: "Something else is definitely wrong, can one of you take me to the apartment?"

Bakugo scoffed.

Bakugo: "Hell no! I'm hungry so I'm going home. Take him Hands."

She rolled her eyes as he walked off.

Itsuka: "C'mon, let's get you to your couch."

She picked him up and started carrying him back to the Midoriya apartment.

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