Chapter 8

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Izuku, Itsuka, Bakugo, and Aizawa we standing by the doors to a bus, watching as both class 1-A and 1-B were arguing and yelling insults at each other. After a minute Aizawa spoke up.

Aizawa: "Will you two calm them now?"

Itsuka: "Yeah we probably should."

Izuku: "Right."

They both walked to the front of their respective classes and managed to calm them down. Itsuka did have to knock out Monoma however. After the classes had quieted down, Aizawa addressed them.

Aizawa: "Alright, now that you're all quiet, we can begin. As you know we're going off campus today for rescue training. And 1-B, before you start complaining over me not being your teacher, Vlad is already at our destination, assisting your rescue instructor with getting everything ready. Got it?"

After he was done talking he flared his quirk for a few seconds in order to intimidate 1-B into being quiet. They all nodded instead.

Aizawa: "Good, now get on the bus. There's only forty seats so all of you will have share seats."

He then entered the bus, followed by Izuku and Itsuka who sat together in hopes the sight would cause the classes to become inspired to at least tolerate each other. All it did however was accidentally force Bakugo and Monoma to sit together, making the ride infinitely louder than it had to be.

After around half an hour they bus finally arrived at it's destination and the classes got off, all wearing their hero suits. As they stepped off two people approached them, Vlad King and another hero many didn't recognize who's suit was designed after a space suit.

???: "Welcome! I am Thirteen, and this behind me is the facility I came up with. It is known as the Unforseen Simulation Joint, or the USJ for short."

Uraraka could be seen holding back her excitement at seeing the rescue hero. Izuku had also remembered some news stories regarding some of her more impressive rescue operations. Then Monoma spoke up.

Monoma: "Mr. Vlad! Why did you leave us with these inferior creatures!?"

Vlad could be see rolling his eyes.

Vlad: "Monoma, that is-"

Aizawa: "Absolutely the wrong mindset of being a hero."

Monoma audibly gulped as Aizawa appeared behind him.

Aizawa: "Tell me, what civilian wants to put their trust in people who look down on them? The answer is none. The moment you look down on a civilian, they become unimportant to you, which then leaves them vulnerable as you stop trying to protect them. So FIX that. Am. I. Clear?"

Aizawa walked around him to look Monoma in the eyes.

Monoma: "C-c-crystal!"

Aizawa: "Good."

He then walked over to Vlad and Thirteen.

Aizawa: "We should get going, we're wasting daylight."

Thirteen: "Right, follow me."

She turned and began to walk towards the doors of the facility, the two classes following her shortly afterwards. As they entered the building the students all looked around to see the various different environments off in the distance. Izuku took a little longer than the others as he noticed what seemed to be a piece of a familiar drawing. It was embedded in the center, almost as if the facility was built around it.

Izuku: "Um, Thi-"

Kirishima: "Whoa cool! They even have fake villains!"

Izuku whipped his head around to look back at the center. There was a large portal with thugs pouring out of it.

Aizawa: "Those aren't fake, get out of here!"

He ran ahead of the students to protect them.

Izuku: "Mr. Aizawa, something is going on with this building. I must get down there before any damage is done to the center floor."

Aizawa: "Is it about your technique?"

Izuku: "I believe so."

Aizawa: "Very well. Just keep yourself safe, we won't be able to fight and protect you at the same time."

Izuku: "That I can do."

Izuku clapped his hands.

Aizawa: "Thirteen, stay here and protect the students. Me, Vlad, and Midoriya are going down."

Thirteen: "Right!"

Izuku: "Let's go."

He placed his hands on the floor and launched the three of them down towards the villains. As they landed, Izuku created a staff.

Aizawa: "Good luck."

Izuku: "You too."

They then separated, with Izuku gunning it for the center. Izuku took note of the two people standing there, a man covered in hands, and a monster. Izuku looked at the monster's exposed brain and nearly stopped in his tracks. Embedded within, was a small, red, stone. He changed course and started running towards Aizawa. Many villains attempted to attack, but Izuku was able to dispatch them with ease. He eventually made it to his teacher.

Aizawa: "What is it?"

Izuku: "This is bad, REALLY bad."

Izuku blocked an attack with the staff before knocking out the thug with a blow to the stomach. He then pointed at the beast.

Izuku: "See that red thing in it's brain?"

Aizawa: "What of it?"

Izuku: "That, is a Philosopher's Stone. It's VERY powerful. And it's regenerative capabilities top that of any quirk."

The two then fought off a few more thugs.

Aizawa: "How and by how much?"

Izuku: "They are made and fueled by human souls. Hundreds can be poured into one that size, and can give the holder the ability to survive at least five deaths. If they aren't killed, they regenerate almost instantly."

Aizawa: "So basically that thing is their trump card."

Izuku: "Yes, and I doubt it's weak enough for us to kill it. Without a top ten hero, our best shot will be getting that stone out of it's head."

Aizawa: "I have a plan."

Izuku: "Good, because I don't."

Izuku blocked another attack which broke his staff, forcing him to use his fists until he could make another.

Aizawa: "We need Vlad."

Izuku: "Well let's get a bird's eye view."

He clapped his hands and put them to the ground, creating a pillar that brought them up several feet. They saw Vlad in the distance, and they also saw the warp gate villain warp away the other students.

Aizawa: "You go help them. Me and Vlad can handle the stone."

Izuku nodded.

Izuku: "Good luck."

Aizawa: "You too."

Izuku then leapt from the pillar and ran towards one of the urban areas. Aizawa leapt down and began fighting his way to Vlad. The threat of Alchemy is once again showing it's face, but are the heros enough to handle it?

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