Chapter 19

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It had been a couple days since the start of the internships. Izuku stood next to Edgeshot on the roof of a building in the outskirts of the city. It was dark, Izuku's coat and his host's scarf were flowing in the breeze. They were scouting out a warehouse for Izuku's first mission.

Izuku: "So we're going to take down a gang?"

Edgeshot: "Yes. Is that a problem?"

Izuku: "Not really. It's just that I can't use my quirk."

Edgeshot: "As a pro, and your teacher, I can grant you permission. Now, I'll take the roof and watch how you do. I'll step in if you need help. Got it?"

Izuku nodded and Edgeshot leapt from the roof. He then climbed down the building and over to the warehouse the gang was in. He found his way over to a set of double doors and pressed his ear to it, he heard no one on the otherside. He tried to open them just to find they were locked.

Izuku: "Time to put what I learned to the test."

He pressed his palms together and touched the doors, making the metal open up and spread onto the walls next to them. He then stepped inside and hid behind a large crate. He peaked his head around to see multiple men and women, all wearing a symbol with the letters CRC. He turned on his commlink.

Izuku: "Edgeshot sir. What does CRC stand for?"

Edgeshot: "Looks like the Creature Rejection Clan. They despise and look down on mutant type quirks, especially ones that make the person look more animal than human. They normally stay out in the country side, though this branch would explain the recent disappearances. Good luck."

The comm clicked off. Izuku looked around and noticed a few if them all standing around a table. He also took note of the crate he was hiding behind, being labeled with a flammable warning. He opened it up with his Alchemy to find barrels of oil. He got an idea. He pressed is palms together, touched the floor, and raised two, small lines to act as a path. He then opened a few of the barrels and let the oil spill out. He used metal from the barrels to make a small striker, which he then used to light the oil on fire. As he did that, he ran out of his hiding place, acting panicked.

Izuku: *Yelling* "FIRE! FIRE! RUN!"

The confused gang members barely had time to process his existence before they saw the fire. Izuku made it to the table he saw before, used Alchemy on it, and used it to trap the people sitting at it by tying them to their chairs.

Izuku: "Looks like you four get to be comfy."

He then just barely dodged an attack from the side. A gang member had decided to fight.

Izuku: "Whoa! Alright then."

He clapped his hands and reached into his sleeve, turning his arm armor into a staff.

Izuku: "Let's do this!"

He then charged the gang member.


Ashido awoke, though she wasn't in the bedroom her internship host gave her. Instead, she was in the kitchen. The light then turned on so she turned to the switch, to find her host, Gang Orca, standing there.

Gang Orca: "Sleepwalking again I see."

Ashido: "Yeah. -yawn- But I don't know why I'm tired. Don't sleepwalkers, y'know, sleep?"

Gang Orca: "Yes. Your condition is strange. I will do some research in the morning. You should get to bed."

Ashido nodded and went back to the room he gave her. She laid down on the bed and got under the covers, then she felt a pain, like a really bad ache in her chest.

Ashido: "Not again."

It went away soon after it began and she managed to fall back to sleep.


Izuku knocked out the last gang member. Edgeshot joined him in the warehouse.

Edgeshot: "Good job. Though I would prefer it if you didn't set a fire."

Izuku: "At least it worked."

Edgeshot: "We're also lucky these people were off guard."

Izuku nodded. The two the heard sirens.

Edgeshot: "I'll go talk to the police. See if you can find anything."

Izuku nodded and the hero left. Izuku then began yo look around. Most of what he found was just supply lists and lists of targets, but one thing caught his eye. It was a letter, and instead of a name, it was signed with a stamp of a red oroboros. He picked it up and quickly stashed it in his pocket. It seemed the homunculi had hired help.

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