Chapter Twenty

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A/N: EXTREME TRIGGER WARNING. If domestic violence and self-harm triggers any of you, please don't read. This is a very intense chapter. By the way, so very sorry for the long wait.

Hands wrapped around Jade's throat, cutting off the oxygen to her brain. Her mother's twisted face swam in and out of her vision as she struggled to breathe. The heavy weight of the woman's body on her midriff caused black spots to dot her sight. Panic clouded Jade's rational brain as she squirmed and kicked underneath her attacker but with little result.

"You stupid bitch!"

Her mother's words barely registered.

"You have no respect for me. How many times have I told you to be home before ten? How dare you disobey me? It's about time you were properly punished!"

Tears flowed freely down Jade's cheeks as her body finally went limp. She had no energy to fight anymore as she wavered between consciousness and unconsciousness.

"You deserve this, you worthless piece of shit. Everything bad that ever happens to me is because of you!"

Saliva flew over Jade's face as she focused on the green specks in her mother's naturally brown eyes. Sounds were now becoming muffled and she felt a strange lightness overcome her body, as if she could step out of it and float away.

Jade knew that this was it. Her mother would finally kill her. She would be free from the torture that was her life. She would never have to suffer through her mother's abuse again. A small smile drifted on her lips as she forced herself to relax. It was okay. She wanted this to happen. She was ready for this.

A sudden growl pierced through the hazy parts of Jade's brain and she tried to frown, as she wondered where the sound was coming from. A high pitched yelp sounded out and then she recognized the screaming of her mother. The grip around her throat loosened and then she was gulping in air, suddenly being able to breathe again. Her vision was still blurry as she struggled to sit upright. Jade realized that the growling was coming from her German Shepard, Lucy, who was clearly trying to protect her. She caught glimpses of the dog, jaw clamped around her mother's arm who was shrieking and trying desperately to shake the animal off of her. Jade wanted desperately to ensure that Lucy would be okay but she still was unable to move properly, the risk of fainting too great.

"You stupid animal! Get off of me!"

Her mother drew her leg back and kicked Lucy hard in the side. The dog yelped and lay still on the kitchen floor, whimpering quietly. Jade felt rage bubble deep in her stomach as her vision started to clear.

"How dare you?" she hissed, her voice hoarse. "How dare you lay a hand on my dog!?"

The woman turned to her, eyes glinting menacingly. "You're lucky she was here to save you."

Tears exploded from Jade's eyes as she sobbed, watching her mother storm out of the kitchen and to the front door. Seconds later, it slammed shut and she was alone in her house with nothing but her injured dog and her throbbing neck to keep her company. Jade crawled across the tiles and put her hand in Lucy's soft fur. Her beautiful dog whined but turned her head to lick Jade's hand.

"I love you so much, Lucy. You saved my life," Jade blubbered and buried her face in the dog's fur. Lucy cried with her owner as the two laid there on the floor, feeling the pain that was inflicted by a loved one. Jade had never felt more alone and hopeless. She almost wished Lucy hadn't stepped in because then she wouldn't have to deal with the repercussions. There was one thing she was sure of though, she couldn't stay here any longer. Her mother's violence had never gotten this bad before and Jade knew that she had to leave. Even if that meant living on the streets for a while before she got back on her feet.

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