Chapter Thirteen

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The sound that resembled a bomb going off jerked Tori awake from a restless sleep. Her brain was foggy as she tried to remember where she was.


Groaning, she opened her eyes and blinked in the sunlight. Looking down she saw a pair of arms wrapped around her torso and she froze.

“Oh my God,” she breathed as she saw the body that was attached to those arms. Jade West. Her heart started pounding as she observed Jade’s beautiful resting face. She was so breathtaking. Without thinking, Tori leaned down to Jade’s cheek and pressed her lips, ever so lightly, against the skin there. Jade suddenly murmured in her sleep and wrapped herself even tighter around Tori.

“Tori,” Jade moaned softly. Tori’s eyes widened. Jade was still asleep but her face was suddenly scrunched up, as if she was having a bad dream. Cat was still snoring beside the girls and Tori had the sudden urge to laugh. The kind of disbelieving laugh. The kind that, if you don’t laugh, you will end up bursting into tears. Jade suddenly shifted her head so that it was resting on Tori’s chest. This caused her heart to beat even faster and her stomach twisted in knots. Slowly, and with shaking hands, Tori gently played with Jade’s hair as the black haired beauty snuggled into Tori’s body. Tori could hardly believe what was happening. It was almost too good to be true.

Another loud bang resonated throughout the hotel which made Tori jump, which in turn, caused Jade to stir and come back to the land of consciousness. The girl took one look at where she was and jumped up as if she’d been stung. Cat murmured something about Bibble (the English snack that she got addicted to) and went right back to snoring. Jade and Tori looked at each other for a moment, Jade’s cheeks slightly red. Tori couldn’t read the expression on the black haired beauty’s face but it was obvious she was having an eternal war with herself.

“M-morning,” Tori said lamely.

“Morning,” Jade replied quietly looking down and running a hand through her hair. Tori considered mentioning the fact that Jade was just cuddling her but decided not to. She didn’t want a bruised face. Suddenly the door burst open and Beck was there looking disgruntled as the familiar voice of Rex blabbered behind them.

“Oh my God, shut him up for me would you?” Beck pleaded. Tori laughed as Jade got up and once again, ripped Rex off of Robbie’s hand and threw him down the hallway. Robbie screeched and ran to get him.

“You’re welcome,” Jade grunted and sat back down on the bed.

“Sgrodis wants us downstairs. Something about the performance tonight,” Beck said. “That means you too, Jade.” Jade mumbled something incoherent with her face flat into a pillow. Tori smiled at Beck.

“I’ll get her up. See you in ten.” Beck nodded and left.

“Shut up Rex, you are so annoying!” was all that could be heard as the two boys walked down to the lobby. Tori laughed and turned to Jade who was still face first on the bed.

“Come on Cat, time to get up!” Tori said while gently pulling on her leg. Cat stirred and opened her eyes, glancing around.

“We’re still in Yerba! I thought it was a dream!” Cat exclaimed yawning and sitting up.

“Unfortunately not,” Tori muttered under her breath. “Come on Jade, you heard Beck.”

“I don’t care, it’s too early,” she sighed turning around to face Tori. Jade’s hair was tousled and her eyes were slightly red from lack of sleep and still Tori found her absolutely gorgeous. She shook herself out of the daze and went over to the curtains, yanking them open so that the sun went streaming inside. Jade groaned and hissed causing Tori to giggle.

Trouble (EDITING) (Lesbian Story) (Jori)Where stories live. Discover now