Chapter Twenty-One

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"How do you feel?" Tori asked sheepishly as she grabbed ahold of Jade's hand, probably tighter than she intended. Jade blearily smiled up at her from the hospital bed and squeezed Tori's hand slightly.

"I'm fine Tori," she murmured. The doctors had put the girl on strong painkillers and so Jade wasn't entirely with it.

"God, Jade. I was so worried," Tori admitted closing her eyes. Her entire body was aching from exhaustion but that was nothing compared to the relief she felt at seeing Jade's eyes open and her cheeks flushed with color.

"I'm sorry," Jade whispered. Tori swallowed the lump in her throat and glanced at Jade's bandaged covered arm and then to her still-bruised throat.

"Jade, what happened last night?" Tori asked. Jade shook her head and looked away, refusing to meet Tori's eyes. "Please tell me. I can't help you if you don't."

"Vega, I've just woken up and my head is killing me," Jade said coldly. "Can't you at least give me a few hours before bombarding me with questions?"

Hurt spiked through Tori's body along with anger. "Do you have any idea of what I went through last night!?"

"Do you have any idea of what I went through?" Jade spat back, finally looking at Tori. The girls' eyes were flashing with fear and frustration but Tori just couldn't understand.

"No! That's why I'm asking!" Tori exclaimed yanking her hand out of Jade's and standing up, starting to pace around the small room. "I raced to your house after your ridiculously vague text and found you bleeding to death on the kitchen floor from wounds you had inflicted!"

Jade struggled to sit up, glaring at Tori. She was clearly angry now but Tori wasn't having any of it. After everything that had happened, she deserved an explanation and she wasn't letting Jade slither out of this one.

"Do you see these?" Jade practically yelled, pointing at her injured neck. "Do you fucking see this?"

Tori swallowed, suddenly feeling timid and overwhelmed but she nodded.

"My mother. My own goddamn mother tried to strangle me last night. My mother!" Jade croaked out, tears appearing out of nowhere and sliding down her cheeks. Tori was lost for words. She had had an inkling that Jade was being abused but actually hearing it out loud made it real.

Pure and raw anger replaced the fear that Tori was feeling and she gritted her teeth, balling her hands into fists. She would kill Jade's mother. She would kill her.    

"You have to tell the police," Tori said her voice oddly calm. Jade looked at her girlfriend sharply, angrily wiping away the tears on her face.

"Are you crazy? They would never believe me," she sniffed.

"The bruises on your neck is evidence, Jade," Tori said pleading with the girl now. She sat back down beside the bed and gently ran her fingers through her girlfriend's hair.

"No, don't tell anybody, please Tori," Jade murmured. Tori didn't reply to that because she couldn't promise anything. If telling somebody helped Jade, then she would do it in a heartbeat. Besides, the doctors would want to know how those bruises got there. If Jade wasn't going to tell the truth then Tori would.

"The hospital is going to keep you here for observation, you know," she said instead.

"What do you mean?"

"You hurt yourself, Jade. You almost died because of your self-inflicted wounds. You're going to be put under suicide watch."

Tori had said the 'S' word out loud and both girls flinched at the sound of it.

Trouble (EDITING) (Lesbian Story) (Jori)Where stories live. Discover now