Chapter One

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A/N: So it's been many years since the publishing of this book, and I seem to have to make a disclaimer now (even though it was never an issue originally), but I wrote this when I was 15 years old, so there are problematic scenes, particularly the glorification of violence and under-age drinking. Having said that, I am in the middle of re-writing this, so eventually it will be 'less problematic,' you have been sufficiently warned, so please refrain from the negative comments, I do still read them from time to time. Thanks!


"Twenty for Tori, fifty for Jade!" Trina called eagerly, her shrill voice echoing around the hall, heads turning to look her way. Chewed through fingernails wrapped possessively around the several dollar bills that she had already managed to collect from other students (or suckers, as she liked to put it). Her small gambling ring was obnoxiously set up on one of the top steps in the main hallway of Hollywood Arts, getting in everybody's way to their lockers. Somebody tripped over Trina's jacket that was left haphazardly on the floor and slid down the rest of the stairs on their ass, crying out as they went.

Trina ignored the glares; eyes focused only on the two boys that were lingering nervously on the steps below her.

Neither of them are cute, she thought to herself. Damn.

"Fifty for Jade," the brunette decided, reaching into his wallet and pulling out a bill.

"What? Are you serious?" his friend scoffed. "Tori may be quiet, but she has a pretty sharp tongue. You ever seen her on stage?"

The brunette hesitated for a second and then turned to his friend. "Yeah, but we're talking about Jade here. Yanno, scary scissor bitch?"

"Hey, hey, hey," Trina snapped. "Are you going to bet, or what?"

Both boys looked at each other for a second before the brunette shrugged. "Here, fifty for Jade."

Trina took the money eagerly and put it in with the rest of the pile. "Pleasure doing business with you."

The brunette's friend shook his head but something down the hallway caught his eye. "Dude, there they are!"

Next to a batch of rainbow-colored lockers, a fiery raven-haired teenager dressed in black stood angrily, arms crossed against her chest. In front of her was Tori Vega who had been trying her best to keep the peace but was quickly losing her patience.

"I do not talk like that!" Tori exclaimed, her voice travelling down the wide hallway. The boys who had bet on the two girls watched in eagerness, as did a lot of other students. After all, what better way was there to combat high school boredom than with their daily arguments?

"Whatever!" Jade hissed.

This time, Tori had been accused of trying to steal Jade's boyfriend and a deep weariness was starting to settle into her bones. Some people thought that she enjoyed the constant battles with Jade but that couldn't be further from the truth, often finding herself in a very defensive position that didn't come naturally to her.

"I'm sick of this," Tori sighed. "I haven't been able to have a single day of peace since I got here. What is your problem?"

The raven-haired beauty in front of her didn't reply, only scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Stop being so dramatic, Vega. Besides, if you weren't eye fucking my boyfriend, then maybe we wouldn't be having this conversation."

A sound of exasperation escaped from the back of Tori's throat and she threw her hands up in surrender.

Other students were starting to pour out of their classrooms, heading to their specially decorated lockers. Tori and Jade were arguing in front of Tori's 'Make it Shine' locker and she was suddenly aware of the greedy eyes watching their drama.

Trouble (EDITING) (Lesbian Story) (Jori)Where stories live. Discover now