Chapter Twenty-Two

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"When do you start group therapy?"

Jade scowled and shook her head. "This week sometime. I'm not allowed to leave the hospital until I go to at least one session."

"You know it's what's best for you," Tori smiled running her hand through her disgruntled girlfriend's hair.

"According to you," she grumbled.

"According to everyone," Tori laughed.

"Have you heard any more about Lucy?" Jade suddenly asked.

"I've told you already Jade. Lucy is going to be fine. You're lucky to have such a loyal dog, you know," Tori replied nudging Jade with her shoulder. The police had found the injured dog whimpering in her bed and rushed her to the vets. Luckily, there wasn't internal bleeding and she would be released around the same time that Jade would. Tori figured that their reunion would be good for Jade.

There was a knock on the door and a doctor came in looking stern. "Come now Tori, you know it's not visiting hour."

"She's my girlfriend, I should be allowed to see her whenever I want to," Tori said hotly. Jade snickered from the bed.

"Miss West needs her rest. I must insist that you come back later."

Tori was going to protest but Jade interrupted. "It's okay babe. I'll see you later. You should be getting ready for school after all."

"Did you have to remind me of that fact?" Tori groaned.

Jade's fingers tickled Tori's thigh. "You know it's true. The holidays are almost over."

"Fine," Tori whined. "But when you're finally out of here, I'm going to make you sort out which of my pens are working and which aren't."

Jade laughed loudly and nodded. "You got a deal Vega."

Tori smiled and leant over, giving Jade a kiss on the forehead. Whilst she was leaving the room, she gave the doctor a glare. There, that should teach him to keep her away from her girlfriend again.


To get home from the hospital, Tori had to drive past Jade's house. She couldn't help herself and she glanced at the building. The police tapes had been taken down and so it just looked like another ordinary house. However, she saw something on the driveway that made her slam her foot down on the brakes.

A car.

The first thing that went through Tori's mind was revenge. There was no doubt that it was Jade's mother's car on that driveway which meant she was inside the house. Pure anger raced through her body and she pulled her own car over onto the sidewalk and practically flew out of the door. That woman was going to pay for what she did to Jade.

Tori raced up the driveway and to the entrance of the house. She tried to open the door but it was locked. Taking a deep breath, she rapped angrily on the wood. She heard a sudden crash occur from inside the house and then a woman's voice cursed.

"Who is it?"

"Just open the damn door!" Tori yelled back. There were heavy footsteps and then the sounds of somebody fiddling at the lock. The door was pulled open and a middle-aged woman was standing behind it. The resemblance to Jade was uncanny. They both had raven-black hair and the same piercing green eyes.

"You're Jade's mother," Tori spat. She was so angry her hands were shaking.

The woman's face turned into a sneer. "What's it to you? Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am!" Tori exclaimed. "Do you have any idea what you did to Jade?"

The woman rolled her eyes. "It's none of your business."

Trouble (EDITING) (Lesbian Story) (Jori)Where stories live. Discover now