Chapter Four

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When Tori entered the school on Friday morning, her stomach dropped sickeningly, and her palms grew slick with sweat. It had seemed like the rest of the week had flown by whilst she had tried desperately to ignore the detention that she would have to partake in after school. It wasn't even the fact that she'd only had detention once in her life that was bothering her, it was that she would have to spend more time with Jade and Beck who had been arguing non-stop since the incident in the hallway.

She almost felt guilty for it. Almost.

Her commute that morning had consisted of her talking to herself and thinking about the possibility of diving in front of a bus just to avoid the day ahead. And when she spotted Jade at her locker, that thought violently returned. The brunette had done her best to avoid the goth at all cost, but her lucky streak was about to run out.

Jade was standing in front of her locker, furiously yanking out the scissors that were embedded in the metal and stabbing them back in. Students were giving her a wide berth, shooting frightened glances at her when they thought they were safe.

Dear god, she's stupidly strong. What does she do, bench cars?

Tori gulped down the rock-hard lump in her throat and tried to walk to her own locker as quietly as she could without letting Jade know that she'd arrived.

"Vega!" Jade suddenly screamed and Tori winced, her ninja skills obviously needed work.

"What? What do you want Jade?" she sighed as the goth stalked towards her. This was the first time she had looked directly at the girl in a few days and her beauty was immeasurable. Her green eyes were flashing, an almost wild look on her face. Tori was intimidated but also found herself mesmerized by the swing in Jade's hips and the pair of scissors that were twirling effortlessly around her lithe fingers.

"I'm fucking pissed off," Jade exploded. "This detention is your fault."

Tori spluttered, anger quickly rising. Sometimes it felt like their emotions fed off each other, weaving between them so that they ended up feeling the same thing. "How is this my fault? We would be in an even worse situation if I'd let you finish insulting Lane!"

"God, you can never do anything wrong, can you?" Jade hissed, reaching an arm out and shoving Tori into the lockers. It didn't hurt, only serving to spike the brunette's anger further. Why did they keep ending up in these situations?

"Don't push me," Tori said, shoving Jade childishly in response. The goth's face twisted into a sneer and pushed Tori even harder back into the lockers. "For fuck's sake, Jade!"

Jade sauntered forwards so that they were breathing in each other's space, but not close enough to be touching. Jade had learned her lesson from last time.

"Have you ever seen the Scissoring, Vega?"

Tori eyed her suspiciously, unconsciously holding her breath in an attempt not to breathe in Jade's scent. Her heart was starting to pick up speed. "What are you talking about?"

"It's one of the greatest horror films alive," the goth continued, ignoring Tori completely. She had started swinging her scissors again and the brunette couldn't decide where to look. She was almost too frightened to gaze into Jade's eyes, knowing she would never be able to have a rational thought otherwise. "It's about this girl who comes back from the dead and attacks her two best friends with scissors. Starting with the pretty one."

Tori swallowed loudly, realizing that her heart was pounding in her ears now. She made the mistake of looking up, catching the goth's eyes with her own. She involuntarily breathed in and was almost overwhelmed by the warm, melting scent of coffee. And something spicy. Man, what perfume does she wear? It's beautiful.

Trouble (EDITING) (Lesbian Story) (Jori)Where stories live. Discover now