Chapter Seven

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Happy birthday to me! Tori uploaded on the Slap and sighed. Her parents still weren’t back from… wherever they were and Trina had left earlier with some friends. Tori didn’t even know Trina had friends! The girl’s mind drifted to Jade and she once again sighed. It had been a week since Jade had been around Tori’s house, and the girls hadn’t really spoken to each other. The raven-haired beauty had been giving Tori the cold shoulder during school. It stung the brunette but she knew it was just an act. Jade didn’t want anyone knowing that she and Tori were friends.

They were secret friends.

My parents still aren’t back. :( Tori messaged Jade, threw her phone on her bed and got into the shower. When she was finished, she threw on some clothes and checked her phone.

How the fuck did you get my number? Tori rolled her eyes and blushed.

Uhm, I got it from Beck. Tori bit her lip and tried to calm her sudden nerves.

I’m not even going to comment on that. Tori sighed with relief, glad that Jade hadn’t gotten angry at her or tried to accuse her of stealing her boyfriend… again. Her phone beeped.

Happy 17th birthday, Vega. Tori grinned and felt her stomach flip.

Thanks Jade. Tori sighed happily and felt her mood brighten considerably. She looked at the time and cursed. She was going to be late!


“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear, Tori! Happy birthday to you!” It was lunch time and her friends were singing Happy Birthday; Tori’s face was bright red from the attention. The only one not singing was… you guessed it! Jade West.

“Thanks everyone,” she beamed.

“No problem,” Andre said. “So… are you doing anything tonight?” Tori thought about it. Her parents wouldn’t be home and Trina certainly wouldn’t miss her.

“Nope,” she answered popping the ‘p.’

“Okay good, because we’re having a party!” Beck chipped in. Tori raised her eyebrow.

“Where is this party?” she asked suspiciously.

“It’s at my uncle’s place. He’s agreed to lend it to us for the night,” Andre answered with a whoop. The atmosphere around the table was an excited one and it was starting to rub off of Tori.

“How many people are coming?”

“Um, a few?” Andre answered. Tori narrowed her eyes but shrugged it off. Andre’s uncle’s house was huge and the last time she had been had been interesting to say the least. “Jade will drop you off after school.”

“Since when?” the Goth finally spoke and glared at Andre.

“Beck said that-”

Beck said that?” Jade said dangerously low. Tori bit her lip and glanced at Beck who seemed a little put off.

“I thought that’d be fine-”

“No, you didn’t! You didn’t even ask me!”

“What’s the problem?” Tori asked slightly offended. Jade rounded on her and she flinched.

“You’re the problem!” she yelled before storming away from the table. Without hesitation, Tori leapt up and ran after the black-haired beauty.

Trouble (EDITING) (Lesbian Story) (Jori)Where stories live. Discover now