Chapter Three

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Tori huffed, shoving her books into her locker violently. Sweat was beading on her forehead and under her arms, and she wiped away a lock of hair with irritation.

It was too damn hot in here.

She closed the door of her locker and turned on the 'Make it Shine' letters that adorned the front of it. She smiled at the sight, remembering how hard it had been to come up with a way to decorate it. She personally thought her solution was creative and was very proud of it, despite that some people had to say otherwise.

"I still think it looks stupid," Jade announced, her voice echoing far too loudly in her ear, scaring her half to death.

"For god's sake, why is everyone trying to give me a heart attack?" Tori complained grabbing her chest as her heart, once again, tried to make a painful escape for freedom. Jade smirked and with a wink, took out a thick, black marker pen from her pocket. Tori frowned in confusion (her brain was embarrassingly fuzzy from the distracting wink) not clicking on until Jade started writing the word stupid in big, capital letters.

Her locker now read, 'Make it Shine, Stupid.'

"What the fuck, Jade?" Tori shrieked, anger bubbling quickly. "Why would you do that?"

She snatched the pen and tried rubbing the offending word away, but it was futile. It had been written in permanent marker after all.

Jade cackled, looking far too pleased with herself.

"You know what it reminds me of, Vega? When we first met, and you thought that decorating your locker with that idiotic whiteboard was creative."

Tori growled, feeling livid. "This is never going to come off!"

The goth shrugged. "I think it adds... pizzaz."

She scowled darkly, giving up trying to fix her locker and started heading towards her next class, wanting to put as much space between them as possible. Apparently, whatever had happened last night had been a fluke because Jade was back to her normal, rude self. It hurt Tori more than she would ever admit out loud. It was like taking one step forward and two steps back.

She wasn't sure what she had been expecting. Maybe it had been too naive of her to think that they would fall into some sort of friendship, but she had hoped it would be better than this.

Angry tears were brewing behind her eyes which honestly just made her angrier.

"Christ, Vega, you need to lighten up a little. It was just a joke," Jade sneered, falling easily into step next to Tori. The students around them were watching warily, wondering why Jade was even talking to the brunette after the show they had put on yesterday.

Tori's anger came to a head and she furiously pushed the raven-haired beauty into the nearest batch of lockers. Jade was caught so off guard that she momentarily forgot to put her walls up, her eyes betraying how shocked she was. Tori relished it, taking in the real emotion Jade was letting her see, taking in the shade of green that were her eyes and how strong her scent had become. She didn't even realize that she was leaning further in until their chests were touching.

"Lay off, I'm not in the mood today," Tori growled, trying to sound as menacing as possible but that was hard considering how her heart was pounding in her ears and an unfamiliar ball of something curled violently in her stomach.

Jade had had ample time to recover, and her face twisted into a harsh sneer as she leered down at the brunette. Tori may have had her pinned, but she was still the taller one there and she made sure the brunette knew it, pushing up to her full height. Her nerves were alight and everything in her was screaming to reverse their positions, to reestablish her control. It was almost like Tori had challenged her natural instincts for power and dominance and...

Trouble (EDITING) (Lesbian Story) (Jori)Where stories live. Discover now