Chapter Twenty-Five

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The school bell shrieked throughout the hallways as Tori and Jade strolled hand in hand to the lunch tables. Everywhere they went, heads turned and stared but for the first time in Jade's life, she had never felt more at ease. She had her beautiful girlfriend by her side and now everybody knew it too.

Tori was nervous, her palms sweaty. The nosy eyes were keeping her on edge but the feel of Jade's hand squeezing her own took the pressure off slightly. However, thinking about seeing the group and especially Beck, for the first time in a few months, was making her stomach roil in butterflies.

"Baby, it'll be fine."

Tori still hadn't told Jade about the incident with Beck so she merely grimaced in response.

"How do you think they'll react?" she asked instead.

"Don't worry, Tori. They're our friends," Jade replied with a smile. "They're supposed to accept anything no matter what."

"You're oddly... upbeat considering that we're back at school," Tori observed as they headed outside.

Jade shrugged. "Yes, well, what can I say? Everybody knows how gorgeous my girlfriend is and it is our last semester before we graduate. It can only be up from here."

"I hope you're right," Tori murmured doubtfully.

"I always am."

The sun was high in the sky and a light breeze rustled the leaves of the trees. A typical Hollywood day but Tori couldn't find it in herself to enjoy the weather. Those damn butterflies were making it hard to concentrate on anything but the anxiety that was causing havoc to her body.

She could see them now. At their usual table. Heads turned away from her and lips moving in conversation. Tori glanced at Beck who looked exhausted and ragged; very unusual for his normal self.

"Is it just me or does Beck look like shit?" Jade voiced her own thoughts. Tori merely gave her girlfriend a pointed look as they approached their group of friends.

"Hey guys," Tori announced. Four heads spun their way and Tori suddenly felt like she was on the Voice. Four pairs of eyes then simultaneously glanced down at their entwined hands and an awkward silence ensued.

Tori bit her lip.

"Right..." Jade drawled, sitting down at the table and dragging Tori with her. "Thanks for the greeting guys. It's not like we haven't seen you for a few months or anything."

Cat jumped to the rescue. "You guys are so cute! I knew you would end up together!"

Tori blushed and averted her eyes, only to see that Beck was staring at her. Now she wished she was anywhere else but there.

"Congrats you two. You make a great couple," Andre smiled.

"Can we watch the next time you guys are in the bedroom?" Rex sneered.

"If you don't keep that puppet quiet, I will burn him," Jade warned, throwing daggers at Robbie.

"Hey, you can't blame him! Girl on girl action is hot."

This time, everybody glared at the boy.

"You disgust me, man," Andre shook his head and smacked Robbie on the back.

"How long have you guys been together?" Cat asked.

"If you had bothered to check up on us at all during the holidays, you would know," Jade grumbled. Tori flicked the raven-haired beauty in the leg and glared at her. "What? It's true."

Trouble (EDITING) (Lesbian Story) (Jori)Where stories live. Discover now