Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: Worst chapter I have ever written. But at least I got something up, right? Haha Jesus, I know it took so long and it was so awful, but I have some ideas for the next chapter so I am hoping it won't be as painful to write it as this one was. Anyway, I still hope you like it and enjoy!


"Uh... go fish?" Tori asked timidly as the mountain of a person in front of her slammed down the cards on the table with a fear inducing roar. Tori winced and put her hands up to her face, expecting a blow, but was thankfully saved by another inmate whispering, "Don't dude! She was the one who attacked the Chancellor!" The giant woman who was about to wail on Tori hesitated and backed down before storming off with her friend, leaving Tori alone.

"Well, I didn't want to play anyway!" Tori called after them, trying to sound strong while on the inside, trying not to mess up her underwear. Sighing, she leant back in the chair and looked around her. She was being kept in a giant cell with at least ten other female prisoners sharing with her. They were all wearing ugly orange jumpsuits that bagged off of Tori unattractively. The Yerbanian guards could have at least given her one that fit.

Tori had expected to be hassled by the other prisoners but fortunately, word had caught fast about the accident with the shoe and the Chancellor and she was mostly left alone.

"Where are you Jade?" Tori muttered to herself, picking at her fingernails nervously. She missed the black-haired beauty, much to her dismay, and couldn't get the image of Jade's horror stricken face when Tori had been taken away out of her head. She had cared. And Tori had complete faith that her friends were going to get her out of this mess.

"Toree Vagi?" Tori spun around to see a guard looking confusedly down at a clipboard. Tori sighed.

"It's Tori Vega! With an a," she stressed.

"Whatever," the guard waved his hand. "You have visitors." Tori's heart soared and she rushed over to the gate where the whole gang was waiting, including Sikowitz. Tori had a right mind to chew the teacher out for his lack of help but her eyes landed on Jade's and all intentions flew out of the window. The girl was literally the definition of worry. She had her arms crossed tightly around her torso and her eyes were darting back and forth. Jade's mouth was pulled down in a grimace but when she spotted Tori, relief spread throughout her and down to her very core.

"You alright, Vega?" she grunted. Tori didn't let that fool her. She could see that Jade was very liberated to see her.

"I'm fine. Took you all long enough to come," Tori smiled.

"Salt!" Andre suddenly yelled and buried his face into his salt bag.

"Are those girls giving you trouble?" Beck asked, eyeing the other prisoners warily. Tori looked around for a bit and turned back.

"No," she grinned sheepishly. "They're actually a bit scared of me." A disbelieving laugh escaped Jade's lips before she could stop it which earned a glare from Tori.

"Really?" Robbie asked dubiously.

"Yes. Apparently hitting the Chancellor with a shoe is the worst possible offense you could do." Jade laughed.

"Shame you had to go and do it then isn't it?" she cackled.

"Are you going to get me out of here or what?" Tori asked directing the question to Sikowitz.

"Yes! Jade has a plan," Sikowitz exclaimed, clapping his hands together. He was looking anywhere but at Tori and Tori had a suspicious feeling that that was because he was feeling guilty. Good.

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