Chapter Four

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The moment I reached the bottom of the stairs, my heart stopped.

What lay before me was Tails, a bloody one.

One with a huge, big, horrific, puddle of blood around it.

A knife, snug tight in his hand.

And a me, standing, and not picking up a phone to dial 911.

Cause it was that bad.


No reply.

And I didn't expect one.

A knock.

I turned towards the door, looking through the hole, right in the middle. It was Amy.

I didn't dare open it.

I grabbed the phone, and dialed 911.

'Please, please, please, answer.'

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Erm... c-can I get an ambulance?"

"Yes, but, what's the problem?"

"My-my brother erm.."

"Committed suicide..?"

"Holy. We'll be there soon."



I set down the phone, daring to look at Tails again. Oh... what had I done?

As the soft sound of sirens entered my hearing, the pounding on the door grew louder.

And louder.

And I didn't dare open it.


I had to.

I grabbed the knob.

And saw a pink Hedgehog.

And as she looked at what was left of my brother.

She did not move a muscle.

Mobians and Humans dressed in scrubs pushed Amy and me out of the way, and quickly grabbed Tails.

I looked at them.

I looked at Tails.

And I felt a ball of guilt set in my abdomen.

"This is all because of me..."

Okay so if you couldn't tell already, these chapters are meant to be short. Alright? Have a swell night.

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