Welcome to Nevermore..Aka The worst academy ever.(Y/N)POV

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"Ugh! I don't want to go to this academy! What even is there to being here anyways?!.."I roll my eyes and look around outside the Horrendous gates of Nevermore. My Father Looks around then stares at me and says "You will be fine Y/N! It was a great school when I came here..Though I was kicked out for no reason.." My father thought to himself. I kept looking around then said to myself..Maybe it's not as bad as it may seem..Though we never know...Until I go here for awhile..

My Father sighed and grabbed me by the shoulders then said " Y/N It's time we go in and get yourself used to it.." I proceeded to sigh loudly  in disapprove. "Alright then Let's go in.." We both walk in and make our way to the doors. We step in hearing the creaky floor beneath us sound like it's about to collapse.  We proceed to walk to the office of the headmaster. 

"Welcome!" An Unknown and already Annoying voice is heard from the other side of the room. A white haired women stands up and greets us by handshaking. I handshake back  in awkwardness and of course my Father just does it like its a normal thing for him to do. I look at the woman as she looks down at me smiling in a weird way kind of a sinister way but in a I won't harm you way.. "We were expecting you! So glad to have you here at the academy" She pat's  my head then walks over to her desk quickly then rambles through some papers looking for a specific sheet of useless paper. "It seems you are Y/N! What a beautiful young lady you are!" She says in a neutral way. "Yea and Thank you.." I say silently. I look over at my father then suddenly he gets a little nervous then shouts. "Oh shoot! I'm running late to my Job! I'm very sorry Y/N But I got to go now Let your headmaster guide you along the way!" My father says in a nervous tone as he leans down to kiss my cheek then runs out of the office like he is getting chased by a bunch of starving wolfs hunting their prey. I look at the Lady as I fidget with my ring. "Well that happened in seconds..Anyways, my name is Weems and I will be your Principle at the academy. Isn't that so delightful?" Weems says in a extraordinary tone. "Nice to meet you then.." I nod as a sign of respect. " We will show you around then take you to your dorm alright Darling?" Weems exits out of the room and I follow looking around and seeing all of the insane lunatics in this place. 

Weems shows me around the academy as I show some sort of interest in this dump. We keep walking up the stairs and finally are at some doors as she knocks loudly and waits silently for someone to answer. I look at my feet then someone finally opens the door, I look up and see this girl with black round glasses. "Hello Weems is there something you need?" She asks Weems in confusion. I could tell she was probably sleeping and exhausted. Weems looks at me then smiles and looks at the other girl. "This is Y/N and she will be your new roommate. She is new here and needs to make a couple of friends..Maybe show her around to some people." Weems looks at me again, "Y/N This is Yoko she will be your roommate as I have said. Go ahead and walk in. I shall leave now..Take care and Ill see you around Y/N."Weems steps back and walks away leaving me and this Yoko girl alone. " Come in will you?" Yoko says in a kind of aggressive tone. I walk in and look around. "Welcome to Nevermore I guess and your side of the room is this one and you can do whatever you want to it as long as you keep it clean of course. Get some rest tomorrow we will get you new friends. " Yoko walks over to her bed and lays down, covering herself with her bedsheets, removing her glasses then facing the wall.  I just stand there for a seconds thinking about how this is new school life is going to be either it's going to be great, neutral, or absolute hell. I walk over to my bed quietly and just drop onto there like it's going to be my final resting place or something like that. I cover myself with the bedsheets then close my eyes and wait for the light of day.  

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