Just another day

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Matt's POV:
I'm laying on my bed as I listen to my parents fighting. They are always fighting so it's not much of a change. Steve was at work so I was mostly on my scroll.
It had been a few hours and I was now scrolling on penstagram when I come across a familiar face. It was Gus i didn't know he had a penstagram account. I ended up looking at the picture he had posted on it and I'm not gunna lie he did look kinda cute....WAIT what am I saying he's not cute! Whatever I continue looking at his penstagram but I accidentally liked one of his old photos from like a year ago. Not long after I did that I got a DM on penstagram from Gus
-were you stalking my penstagram?-
I didn't know how to respond
I didn't know what else to text him
-Are you sure? Cuz you liked one of my posts from like a year ago-
He says
-idk what you're talking about-
I respond
-ok whatever you say Matty-
I kind of blush when I see that he called me Matty
-don't call me that-
I respond not necessarily meaning it
-ok whatever-
After he texted that we stopped texting each other but for some reason I had butterflies in my stomach.
I hear my parents fighting again then I hear a door slam. I'm guessing my mom got mad and went out to go to get away from my dad. I hear the my door open I thought it was my dad to come and tell me how disappointing I am but it was my brother Steve. "I thought you were at work?" I say looking up to see him "I was but then they let me come home early because they got someone else to do the mission" he said as he sat on the side of my bed "hey Matt, do you want to come visit Lilith with me" Steve asks probably because dad is drinking again "sure" I say mostly because Steve would have made me go anyway but I actually like Lilith so it's not that bad "oh by the way Matt we will be going to the owl house because Lilith is now living there" he said and the only reason he mentions that is because me and the human don't exactly get along
Sorry this is short and I probably won't make the next part till tomorrow. This is also my first story so please be nice

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