Sleepover 😱

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Gus POV:
I asked my dad if Matt could have a sleepover and my dad said yes. I'm pretty sure that Matt had texted his brother that he was going to be sleeping over.

"So I can sleep on the floor and you can sleep on my bed if you'd like?" I ask Matt "oh umm, are you sure? Like you won't be uncomfortable on the floor right?" Matt asks looking genuinely concerned "yeah, I'll be fine me and willow have sleepovers all the time and sometimes I sleep on the floor so I'm pretty used to it!" I say with a smile "oh ok as long as it doesn't bother you." Matt says grabbing a blanket from my closet "Are you ok?" I ask Matty because he seems kind of sad in a way "umm, yeah I just haven't had a sleepover in a long time haha" Matt says with an obvious fake laugh at the end. "ok well you can tell me if anything is wrong ok" I say grabbing two pillows from out of my closet and putting them on the floor.

I put on a movie and then after a while Matt had fallen asleep so I decided to turn off the movie and go to sleep.

(Gus'dad) Perry' POV:
I woke up in the middle of the night and thought I'd check if Gus and mattholomule were ok and/or asleep

I get to Gus' room and gently open the door to see Gus on the floor and Mattholomule on the bed. I look over at Gus to see that he seems really cold so I give him another blanket but as I put the blanket over him I see he looks a little uncomfortable probably because he was on the wood floor I move him to the bed next to Mattholomule so they are like half a foot apart and will hopefully sleep comfortably considering that the bed isn't the biggest.

I head back to my room and go back to sleep.
In the morning
Matt's POV:
I slowly wake up remembering where I was I look around but I can't really see much because my eyes are a little blurry from just waking up. After about a minute I can see better and go to look at the floor expecting to see Gus but I don't see him there. I figure he probably woke up and left the room for something but then I look on the other side of me to see Gus laying next to me. I can kind of feel my face go red "uuhhhhhhh" I say I little bit too loudly waking up Gus "....huh...." Gus says slowly sitting up while rubbing his eye "ummm" I say nearly falling off the bed.

Gus' POV:
I wake up from hearing Matt. I sit up rubbing my eye so I can see more clearly when I realize that I'm sitting right next to Matt. My face gets warm then I cover my face with my hands "sorry....." I say whispering "oh!'s fine." Matt says looking at the floor " dad probably moved me...sorry...if I made you uncomfortable..." I say while getting up from my bed to get the pillows off my floor "no! I slept fine honestly I was kind of Cold so having you there next to me helped...." Matt says then covering his face out of embarrassment he had just said "oh....well I slept well too" I say kind of letting out a awkward laugh at the end of the sentence.

I finished cleaning up all the pillows and blankets from my floor and then sit on my bed next to Matt.

We sit there in silence and I'm just thinking to myself why did I blush? Or maybe that was just out of embarrassment....I...don' like Matt! I say in my head confidently do I? I ask myself

I snap out of my thoughts hearing Matt say he has to go "sorry my brother just texted saying I have to get going.....but I'll see you at school?" Matt says looking at his scroll "oh! Yeah, definitely!" I say louder than expected "well...bye" Matt says walking out the door. Although when he left I felt kind of sad but I dont like like Matt so that has nothing to do with it! I say firmly to myself then second guessing.... Do I like him!?
I hope this adds up to the rest of the story because I came up with this on the spot but I think it turned out fine I might take longer to make the next chapter considering I have a lot of stuff to do but I will try to update this as soon as possible thank you bye!

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