not planned plan

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Luz POV:
"Ok so i invited amity to talk about what we can do to help Gus realize that Mattholomule has like a huge crush on him" I say to willow. She looks unsure though "hey what's wrong?" I say kind of concerned "Nothing, I just don't think we should really be getting involved...what if something goes wrong and we ruin it for them?" She says kid of guilty looking. After a fairly awkward silence I answer her question "hey come on what's the worst that can happen plus we have time to go over a plan" willow stays silent for a while then finally responds "ok....BUT if anything happens it's your fault-" right as willow finished her sentence amity come running in.

"OH MY TITAN, Luz my dad just divorced my mom!" Amity says running up to me "what!?! Amity that is so random!?" I say kind of laughing "I know but it's kind of exciting and I was wondering if we could just hang out today...instead of whatever we were going to do before... since I don't have my mom to get mad at me for hanging out with you all day." She says laughing at that last part a bit "oh umm sure but only if willows fine with it because I know that willow might feel left out" I say then I look at willow to make sure she's ok with it. She nods and then went to hang out with eda.

"Dad?" I ask "yes Gus?" My dad yells from the kitchen "can I go hang out with Matt?" I say as I grab my jacket "sure, but be back by 7:00!" My dad yells "ok!" I yell while walking out the door because to be honest I had already told Matty that I would go and was really hoping my dad didn't say no or else I would've had to tell Matty that I couldn't go.

I finally got to the graveyard and sat down and got a water bottle out of my backpack while I wait for Matt. "Omg; sorry for being late!" Matty yells out of breath. "It's ok I just got here anyway so in a way we were both late" I say with a smile.

Gus was smiling and for some reason (totally not because I have a crush on him) it made me blush.

That's where I'm going to end it because I am tired and it's like 1 am rn but I will try to update this more

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