Luz and her "plan"

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They all fell asleep and this is in the morning
Luz POV:
I wake up and see that Mattholomule and Gus are still sleeping and the funny thing about this is that Gus had fallen off the couch and landed right next to Mattholomule. It made me chuckle because Gus had not woken up from falling and he had just stayed asleep.

"Hey kid." Eda said to me in a very sleepy voice "Hi Eda!" I said to her louder than I expected almost waking up Gus and Mattholomule. "Hey Eda?" I say "yes?" Eda says as she sits on the couch that Gus had been sleeping on before he fell off. "I told willow I'd hang out with her today and so I was wondering if you could tell Gus that I went to hang out with willow?" I say as I get up to get something to eat "Sure kid." Eda says in a tired voice "ok! Thanks Eda; bye!!" I say kind of rushing out the door "wait kid you never told me that you were leaving now-" I kind of hear Eda say though the door but by the time she had finished her sentence I already left.

I am now walking to meet willow at a shop near the owl house. I am kind of looking around for her because she never told me a specific place to meet.

"Finally I found you!" I say out of breath from running around looking for her "oh, her Luz." Willow says with a smile "Hi willow!" I say hugging her " made it sound like you wanted to tell me something?" Willow say's because I did tell her that I wanted to tell her something "oh yeah, I wanted to talk about Gus and Mattholomule." I say kind of just remembering that that is what I wanted to talk to her about "oh what about them?" Willow says "well...I think they like each other or at least Mattholomule likes Gus. I mean it's Kind of obvious." I say "oh yeah I do see Matt blushing at Gus sometimes." Willow says thinking about it "But why do you mention this?" Willow asks me " oh well....I might have a plan to get them to notice that they like each...hehe" I say with a smile >:) "umm I don't know Luz...maybe we shouldn't get involved. You remember last time you tried to get someone together" willow says "oh come on just because you and hunter got into a fight because of the date I sent you on doesn't mean that my plan for Gus and Mattholomule won't work!" I say kind of loudly "oh really? What is your 'great' plan?" Willow says kind of sarcastic "well this time I just want them to notice that they like each other after that I won't get involved anymore.....maybe.." I say the last part rather quietly "ok fine we will do you plan but after that we won't get involved anymore more?!? Ok?" Willow says to me with a small glare "yeah ok fine" I say.

Me and willow start walking back you the owl house so we can work on the plan because I admit that I did not actually have a plan but willow had some great ideas although I don't think we will do anything today because Gus and Mattholomule have to go home soon because they had texted me and said they were heading home.
Sorry this is short again I'm trying to make them longer but it's kind of hard when I'm running out of ideas any way the next part will be about what Gus and Mat did while Luz was gone.

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