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Gus POV:
Luz had dragged me all the way to the owl house because she wanted to hang out but for some reason I felt she was lying and wanted something else, then again she could just actually want to hang out.

When we get to the owl house Luz opens the door and asks Lilith if I could come over and once Lilith said yes she dragged me into the house.

When I got into the house I saw Matt on the floor drinking tea; he kind of looked res for some reason.

"Hi Matty!" I say as I sit next to Luz on the floor "umm....hi" he says really quietly. "Why are Steve and Matt here?" I ask genuinely curious because I've only ever seen Steve once and I didn't think Matt would want to come over and see Luz "oh Mattholomule is probably going to have a sleepover here and Steve will head back to work soon" Lilith says "WHAT! You told me we were just going to stay here for a bit, not that I would have a sleepover and I thought you were done with work?!?!" Matt says kind of yelling

Me and Luz look a each other because this was kind of awkward.

Matt's POV:
I didn't mean to yell but Steve told me he was done with work and that we were just going to stay here until my dad left the house or was asleep not that I would be sleeping over here.

"Look.....Matt I just don't want you to get hurt." Steve says tryouts to calm me down "but...you lied..." I say

I realize that my eyes were starting to water "Matt I know I lied but will you please do this for me?" Steve says as he puts his hand on my head "fine.." I say
After a while Steve had left for work and I was left there with Lilith, Luz and Augustus.

Luz POV:
Steve had left and we were kind of just sitting here in silence.

"Hey Gus do you want to have a sleepover!?" I say. Technically the only reason I invited him over was because Matt was here. It's kind of obvious that they like each other but they can never notice it

"Maybe, let me ask my dad" Gus says as he pulls out his scroll to text his dad. "He said I could as long as I get home by 10 tomorrow "yay!" I say as I get up to grab a snack.

I get back with a bowl of popcorn and then I turn on a movie for us to watch

Gus POV:
Luz comes back with a bowl of Popcorn for us to eat while we watch a movie.

When she asked me if I wanted a to have a sleepover I think I understood why she invited. I think she invited me because Matt was over and I think that she thinks I like him but I don't...at least I don't think I do. I mean I have to admit that he was kind of cute and I did really like hanging out with him BUT that doesn't mean I like him...right?

Matt's POV:
Luz had started a movie and for some reason I felt she was planning something because of the look on her face. Every minute or so she would look at Gus and then look at me. I'm not sure why she was doing this to be honest it was kind of weird.
The movie had ended and I noticed that Gus had fallen asleep. For some reason I kept looking at him and my face would get warm. I'm not sure what this feeling was. It was really confusing because I felt like I had butterflies in my stomach but I had no idea why.
My grammar sucks 😭

Do I like him? (Gustholomule)Where stories live. Discover now