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sorry for not updating this I had a lot of stuff to do but here I am so yay
Gus' POV:
I woke up from my alarm going off. I didn't want to get up because I had stayed up all night thinking about Matt I mean I might like him? I say in my head to myself "Gus!" I hear my dad yell probably because I hadn't turned my alarm off "sorry!" I yell while turning off the alarm

I got changed and went downstairs. My dad was standing at the door "here's your lunch kido." My dad says handing me a bag with what I assumed was a
PB & J sandwich "thanks dad." I say while walking out the door "bye!" I hear him yell while I shut the door.
I got to school and saw my friends standing by the stairs in front of the school "hey guys!" I say as I walk up to them "Gus! Hi!" Luz says hugging me "umm hi. Are you ok you're acting like you haven't seen me in like a month" I say as she lets go of me "oh sorry, but it feels like it's been forever....has anything happened recently?" She asks with a big smile. I was thinking about the question debating on if I should tell her about the fact I might actually like Matt in the end I decided not to tell her because I knew she would not stop asking me questions about it

"......No not really." I replied to her after like a minute of thinking "mhm....took you an awful long time to answer?" She said knowing I didn't tell her something "Come on Luz, Gus doesn't have to tell you anything and everything" willow says slightly laughing at Luz for how nosy she was being "aww come on willow you know that I'm a nosy person!" Luz says complaining.

"BOO!" Someone said behind me while grabbing my shoulder in which made me jump, scream and fall over "wow..." I saw Matt say putting his hand out to help me up "Cheese and crackers dude!! You scared the living titan out of me!" I yell grasping his hand to help me up "It's not my fault you get scared so easily." Matt says rolling his eyes at me "I don't get scared easily I was just lost in thought." I say while wiping my shirt of with my hands to get any dirt off of it "yeah yeah whatever" he says laughing a little at the end of his sentence

"......" Luz looks at matt as if she was judging him although she probably was ".....what?" Matt says looking at her with a confused expression "....nothing" she says going back to talking to willow.
"What was that about?" Matt asks me "umm she might still be mad at you for the detention incident?" I say unsure to why she was judging him

Sorry this is a short l chapter I have been busy but I will try and update this as soon as possible cause I'm not as busy as before :)

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