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Matt's POV:

I was at my locker before I see Gus coming up to me and I sigh before he came up to me "Hi Matty! Guess what!?" Gus says happily "what?" I say closing my locker then looking up at Gus he's taller then me which is annoying because how did he get so tall! Like I used to be taller then him and now I'm shorter then him like I'm older shouldn't I be taller! I thought then Gus snapping me out of it by saying "we have the same illusion class!" Gus says excitedly "really...?" I say as if I'm annoyed but I'm really not I am actually happy that we are getting the same illusion class "yeah and guess what else?" Gus says. I sigh "what?" I say genuinely curious but didn't show it much "you get to sit next to me in class! So do you want to walk to class with me since we have the same class?!" Gus say's enthusiastic "uhh...sure..I guess." I say to Gus with a small smile "great! come on!" Gus says grabbing my
arm as he starts to walk to class and I follow
We get to class and Gus sits down then pats the seat next to him signaling me to sit down.
I then sit down next to him

After like 10 minutes of class I could see Gus had gotten bored and started to doodle on a paper. "What are you drawing?" I ask looking over his shoulder to see what was on the paper "oh just a couple doodles!" Gus says then moves his arm so I can see what was on the paper "wow...those are really good!" I say while looking at the paper "thank you!" Gus says with a smile. I blush a bit seeing his smiles but shake it off.

"Mattholomule!" The teacher yells "huh what!?" I say looking at the teacher "answer question number two for me." The teacher says pointing at the board where the question was. "Uhh...-" I was about to guess an answer before the teacher cuts me off "see? You can't answer the question because you were too busy talking to Augustus!" The teacher says pointing at Gus "So as the punishment for taking during my class you will both have to stay after school to clean the abomination classroom!" The teacher said as she walked over to the both of them "but-" I was about to say something before she cut me off again "No buts! It's ether you clean that room after school or detention for a week!" The teacher says firmly "For talking!?!" I say complaining "Yes, and for talking back at me you're getting two days of detention after you clean the abomination classroom!" The teacher says to Mattholomule "that not fair!" Gus says standing up from his seat "you've never gave me detention for talking back to you!" Gus says looking at the teacher "well that's because you're a good student!" The teacher says as if that made any difference. Gus then looks confused and frustrated "that doesn't matter I should still get the same punishment!" Gus says still confused with the teacher's logic "you know what if you want the same punishment fine! You'll get two days of detention as well as Mattholomule!" The teacher then continues "and since the detention pit is still being fixed you'll go to the detention room!" The teacher says firmly as she walks away.

I then look at Gus "why'd you do that?" I say quietly "do what?" Gus asks then looks at me "you could have just not gotten detention why'd you basically ask her to give you detention?" I say genuinely confused "well it wasn't fair that you would get punished and I didn't?" Gus says with a smile "you're such a dork..." I say jokingly then playfully shoving Gus's arm

Sorry for taking a bit longer to do this but here it is and I do have the next chapter like a quarter completed in my drafts so that will be done soon hopefully

Also sorry if this doesn't add up with the story line or is different from how I usually write these anyway
        thank you for reading <3

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