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Matt's POV:
Me and Steve are walking over to the owl house since it's not that far away.

We finally get to the owls house and I see Lilith waiting at the door for us. "Hi Lilith!!" I yell hugging her "hi Matt, how are you?" She says hugging me back "I'm fine" I say rather sad probably because the only reason we came here was because my dad was drinking. "Hey, why don't you guys come in and we can have bat wing tea (it's just tea but I made it more like it's from the boiling isles) "that sounds good" Steve says.

As he is walking by the door he messes up my hair. "Hey!" I yell not really mad but more in a joking way "come on" Steve says walking into the owl house. I follow him inside.

When we get inside I see the human. I was kind of surprised because I thought she lived....well I don't know where I thought she lived but I didn't think she lived here for some reason

"Oh; hi Mattholomule" she says rather nicely but the look on her face said otherwise. I think she might still be mad at me for getting her and Gus in detention. "Uhh hi" I respond trying not to make it awkward "I didn't know Steve was your brother?" The human said nor as mad looking as before "yeah, we came to see Lilith since Steve is friends with her" I say as I sit down on the couch "oh ok, well I have to go I told amity I'd meet up with her to go on a walk" she says kind of sounding like it was an excuse to get out of the conversation. I didn't really mind probably because it was awkward.

Not long after Luz left the owl lady came in the room with the dog thing, I think his name was king or something. The owl lady told us that she was leaving and not to get the house dirty or something

Luz came back after like 30 minutes "hey Lilith?" She says as she walks in the door "hi Luz, what is it?" Lilith says pouring more tea in her cup "Is if ok if Gus hangs out with us?" Luz asks Lilith "sure why not" Lilith say's taking a sip of her tea "yay, cuz he is already here" Luz says as she pushes Gus into the owl house. For some reason when I saw him my face was warm and I felt butterflies in my stomach again
Sorry this is also kind of short and my grammar might not be that good so sorry about that btw the next chapter will probably be in Gus' POV

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